Chapter 19 - Ripped Apart

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Third-Person POV

1st July 1997

The next day the school had never been so quiet, the halls were empty due to summer break commencing, and all the staff and paintings were just as upset as Harry and Tilly. The twin wanted to say goodbye to Dumbledore once more before they left for break. They make their way to his office and have a look around for a minute. Harry picks up Albus's wand and examines it until McGonagall come in.

"Potter, in light of what's happened... if you should have the need to talk to someone....." Before she could finish, Harry is almost out the door. "You should know, Professor meant a great deal to him." Harry glances up at the portrait of Dumbledore, where the man is sleeping, then walks out. Tilly places a hand on Minerva's shoulder, knowing this is hard for her, almost more than anyone. "Same goes for you, Tilly." The woman smiles as the younger one runs after her brother.

The two find themselves with Hermione and Ron in the Astronomy tower, looking over the castle grounds.

"Do you think he would've done it? Draco?" Hermione asks, looking at the boy next to her as Tilly is looking out over the other side and Ron is sitting on the steps.

"No." Harry answers. "No, he was lowering his wand. In the end, it was Snape. It was always Snape." Tilly shudders at the hatred she can hear in Harry's voice. She knew until everything was clear she couldn't go by Snape; the question is what she will go by. "It's fake. Open it." Harry quivers, giving the locket to Hermione.

"To the Dark Lord, I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I wanted you to know it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend on destroying it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B." Hermione pauses. "... R.A.B."

"We don't know. But whoever they are, they have the real Horcrux. Which means it was all a waste. All of it." Harry sighs, looking over to Ron then to his sister.

Tilly hears the two talking about Ron being alright with Harry and Ginny's relationship and decides to break the news. "We're not coming back, Mione," Tilly spoke up as she walks over to the two after their little talk about Harry and Ginny.

"We've got to finish whatever Dumbledore started. And we don't know where that will lead us, but we'll let you and Ron know where we are when we can." Hermione sighs.

"I've always admired both of your courage. But sometimes, you can be really thick. You don't think you'll be able to find all those Horcruxes by yourself, do you?" She leans closer. "You need us, Harry. Tilly can fair pretty well, but even she will need some help." Neither nod nor smile; they just all understood what they were all putting on the line. It was a silent decree, a silent promise.

"I never realised how beautiful this place was," Tilly says as Fawkes soars above them in the sky. The four stand on the ledge, looking out, watching as Fawkes flies over the lake below and into the far-off distance.

5th July 1997

It had been almost a week since Tilly had seen either her Dad or Draco and so knew this visit would have to be short as she had been staying with The Dursley's and Harry, as she now couldn't live with her Dad or The Malfoy's. Plus, Harry and everyone else had been very concerned that Snape or Draco might try to reach out to Tilly, so they rarely let her go out for long, and if she is lucky, she could go alone. She had this time convinced Harry to let her leave for a few hours as he had to explain to the Dursley's what would be happening and why they had to leave before the month was up.

Pushing the gates to Malfoy house and walking up the stairs, Tilly opens the doors and hears raised voices in the next room, along with sobbing and the monotoned voice of her Dad. She stands next to the door, unseen and unheard by anyone inside, as she listens to what they are saying.

"How could you fail, Draco?" Bellatrix screeches at Draco. "He gave a gift to you, and you throw it away."

"Leave him be." Snape's voice is heard in a low whisper.

"You can be quiet. You took away his chance at-" Lucius tried to speak, but Snape snapped back.

"You mean I save him, and also he was cleaning up your mess, Lucius! So don't blame Draco or me. If anyone's to blame, it's you." Snape sit back down as Draco goes over to the man who isn't as cold-hearted as perceived. Snape pushes Draco behind him, unsure how the two Death Eaters may react to his outburst. Both draw their wand, and Snape raises his. "Now, let's not do anything we may regret."

"You're not so strong without your daughter by your side, are you?" Bella cackles. Tilly burst into the room, and with a wave of her hand, Bella and Lucius are flown across the room and hit the wall hard.

"That's just it. I'm right here." She smirks as Lucius and Bella help each other stand up.

"Till!" Snape and Draco scream. Severus is the first to her and pulls her into a tight hug as she holds out her hand for Draco to grab hold of. "You're alright. Oh, thank Merlin. I was so worried that Potter or someone else had realised you knew what was happening when you didn't come home for days." Tilly sighs, stepping back from her Dad.

"Dad... I can't stay with you or Draco anymore. Not for a long time, I'm afraid." Snape nods, knowing this was inevitable, but Draco looks at her, slightly puzzled. "James has already spread the word to everyone on their side about both of you. I'm constantly being watched or monitored. It's a miracle I'm here right now." Snape sits down, and Tilly sits beside him, but Draco continues to pace. "I also can't go by Matilda Snape anymore; I just thought I'd let you know." Severus nods, clearly understanding.

"I get it. You'd blow your cover if you kept the name 'Snape', and living with Potter is the best decision for the time being." Snape kisses Tilly head and walks out of the room dragging the two, now unconscious wizards with him, sensing that the couple needs some time alone.

Tilly and Draco sat silently in the room for almost half an hour, and Draco is surprisingly the first to speak.

"I can tell you have to tell me something, so let's get it over with." It can't be that bad, right?' Draco thought as he watches Tilly moves closer and take his hands in hers.

"I love you more an anything or anyone, but for possibly the next year, our visits will be far and few between, if any at all." Tilly tried to hold in a sob. "So please understand why," A small sob escapes her throat. "...why I'm doing this." Tilly looks into Draco's eyes and the tear welling in his and hers. "We need to break up." 'Nope, that's really bad.' Tilly sighs heavily. "This next year of our lives will be the hardest we have ever faced, and we both know that we made rash decisions when under pressure, so this will ensure that whatever happens in the next year or so has no direr consequences later on." Tilly sniffles and takes her hands back, standing up. "I should go before James comes looking." She answers but is really just looking for an excuse not to stay, afraid she'll break down if she does.

"Till, no matter what happens, I will always love you." Draco walks over to her and smashes his lips onto hers for one last time.

"Always." Tilly sobs as tears run down her cheeks.

"Forever." The couple looks at each other once more before Tilly walks out of the room, leaving her other half alone. They had been ripped apart from the one they cared most about. As Tilly walks away from her love, she knew this next year would be harder than anything she has ever faced, as she doesn't have her best friend or Dad by her side to help.

She is all alone.

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