Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

The music was quietly playing as I drove us home from the concert. As soon as we got in the car, Livia quickly fell asleep. I would look over at her every once and a while. I would gladly watch her sleep all the time, as creepy as it sounds, it's true. I think it's so cute the way she would scrunch up her nose up, every once and a while. And it's cute just how peaceful she looks.

I quickly noticed I haven't looked at the rode for quite a while.

"Oh shit!" I yelled, noticing I was about to get us in a ditch.

"H-harry what h-happened?" Livia asked. Crap I woke her up.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep, babe." She just nodded and went back to sleep. But before she completely when back to sleep, she grabbed my hand, that wasn't oh the wheel, and intertwined her fingers with mine. It made an electric shock go throughout my entire body. I can't believe she gave me feelings like this. All I know is I have to make her mine soon.

Livia's POV

I heard Harry cuss, which I was not used to, but I guess most people do cuss. And he told me that Niall cusses like a sailor, so it could be rubbing off on Harry.

"H-harry what h-happened?" I asked.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep, babe." He replied. Gosh it absolutely kills me when he calls me that. I quickly grab his hand, that he's not using to drive, and intertwine our fingers. I can feel Harry tense up a little, but he slowly relaxed.

I really like Harry, but who wouldn't? He's perfect. I think Karlee gets pissed off, because I'm constantly talking about him. How his hair is absolutely perfect. You know what, I'm just going to stop there, because if I continue, I will talk about him for the next two hours. I closed my eyes, and quickly fell back asleep.

Not long after, I felt the car come to a stop. We must be at his house. We decided it would be best if I just stayed at his house tonight. My door was quietly opened and then I felt his arms pick me up, and he carried me bridal style all the way to his room. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and snuggled my head into his chest.

He gently placed me down on his bed and then left to get changed, I guess. Not very much later, I felt the other side of the bed go down.

"Goodnight, Livia." Harry said kissing the top of my head. Could this boy get any more perfect then he already is?

I woke up the next morning, well it's probably not morning but whatever, I noticed Harry's arm was draped over my body. I tried to get up, but his grasp on me only got tighter, which doesn't make since how he could do that unless he's awake. I looks over to see Harry sleeping, his chest slowly rising and falling. I know we act like we're a couple, but we're not, obviously. But I guess we've always been like this. I looked over and saw my phone go off, saying I got a text. I pick it up, and saw the text was from Karlee.

Idiot:where are you???

Me:I'm with Harry, and why do u care?!?!?

Idiot:bc I luv u SOOO much and I wanted to know. 😘😘😘 Wait ur with harry?!?!

Me:that's what I said, keep up!!!

Idiot:first of all, u texted it, u didn't say it, 😝😝😝 and second, U STAYED AT HARRY'S?!?!?

Me:yeah... what's the big deal???

Idiot:idk!!! Nothin really, just felt like I needed to say something dramatic in all caps!!!

Me:smh, girl your crazy!!!

Idiot:duhhhhh thanks for stating the obvious!!!

"You guys are crazy." Harry said.

"Jesus harry, you scared the crap out of me. How long have you been up?" I asked.

"Not very long, but long enough to know that the conversations you guys have are ridiculous." He answered, while flipping over to get his phone.

Idiot:ok well I gtg, I have to take my stupid brother to his practice!!!😑😑😑

Me:ok ttyl sista!!! 😘😘😘

I looked at my clock on my iPhone to see it was 1 in the afternoon. I really don't want to get up, but I know I need to.

I swear things are going to start getting better, I just needed to write these, to show you their past. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far. Love you guys!!!

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