Chapter 2

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Livia's POV

'Hey Livia, gosh I miss you so much. I'm sorry I haven't texted lately, the boys and I have been really busy. I also have some great news. I get to come home in a few weeks. Can't wait to see you. And also, Simon has set up a little tour for us after the show. Apparently we're going to be the next big boy band, well at least that's what Louis told us, you know, the judge. Well anyway, can't wait to see your beautiful face :) xx'

I didn't know how many times I read it, but every time I did, more tears were coming out of my eyes. Yes, I was happy that he was going to come see me, but he has a tour already set up, after the show. I don't know how long the tours going to be, but I hope it's not very long.

Harry's POV

"Mate why did you tell her all of that over a text?!?!?" Niall asked.

"I don't bloody know, maybe because I had to tell her eventually" I yelled. Just then Louis came into our conversation.

"Hey, I'm the sass master, not you!!! But maybe you should talk to her about the tour, I know she will be upset."

"How would you know that? She's my best friend, not yours!!!"
I said, really tired of all this crap the boys were giving me.

"I have four sisters", Louis replied to my current question I asked.

"Look mate, just plan a great day for the two of you and talk to Simon."

"She can come with us." Liam stated. Gosh why is he so good with women advise.

"Thats a great idea Liam, thanks." I said getting up and hugging him and stared for Simon's room.

Livia's POV

"Karlee I just don't know what to do anymore." I told my best friend. We have known each other for as long as I can remember.

"Well he said he was coming to see you right?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess, should I tell him?"

"I don't know, if I were you, I would, but it's totally your choice." She said.

"Wow ok, thanks for the help." I said sarcastically. She may be smart but sometimes she's really stupid. I guess I shouldn't ask her for love advice because she's never had a boyfriend.

"We really need to get you a boyfriend, have you been watching the X-Factor?" I asked.

"Of course I have, why?"

"Well those boys in Harry's group are really hot."

"I know." She said looking down.

"Which one?" I was thinking she would say Liam or Zayn.

"Niall, I don't know why, but he's really hot."

"Oh my gosh, your face is red, that's a first. Yeah I agree Niall is pretty hot, for an Irishman anyway." She started laughing, but what normally happens is I start laughing and we can't stop, and that's what happened.

"Why do we laugh so much. I mean we laugh at people falling over or hurting themselves. That's bad." She said seriously.

"I don't know, we just have major problems." I said, starting to laugh again.

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