Chapter 15

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Livia's POV

It's been a few weeks since I last saw Drake. He hasn't called or texted me, and for that I'm very grateful. Ive been trying to act like everything's ok, but I don't know how much longer I can hold this up.

Liam's hasn't been hanging around very much, and I really miss him. He was supposed to take me out yesterday, but he never did. He just texted me and said he couldn't make it. I don't know what he's been doing, but I need to find out.

"Hey Liv, you want to go do something? Like see a movie or go shopping." Harry asked.

"Wow you sounded like a girl. But yeah let me go get ready real fast." I quickly went upstairs to my room and changed. I put my hair in a messy bun, and grabbed my phone and my purse.

We decided to go shopping and then watch a movie. I don't know how many stores I dragged him into, but every time we exited I had a new bag.

"You want Starbucks?" Harry asked but then quickly add, "of course you do. Let me guess, you want a tall Java chip frappe?"

"You know me so well Styles." I tried to hand him the money but he wouldn't take it. "Come on just take it."

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I took your money." He suddenly realized what he said, and he started to blush. "I mean like your friend who's a boy. Ok you know what, I'm just going to get in line." I just kind of laughed, and I could feel a blush coming to my cheeks. Wait why the heck am I blushing.

He quickly came to the table with our drinks, not making any eye contact. After a few minuets of awkward silence, I decided to speak up.

"So...Um how are you and Kristen?" I asked. That was a stupid question, I really don't care. Mostly because I wish I was with him.

"We're good, I guess. What about you and Liam?" He asked.

"We're good, I guess. He hasn't been around very much lately. Do you know where he's been?"

"No, I thought he was with you. What a great boyfriend he is." He said the last part quietly to himself, but clearly I could still hear him. He never was good at whispering.

"Speaking of Liam not being here, have you seen Kristen?"

Liam's POV

"Kristen, I really need to go. The boys are going to be suspicious." I told her. I had been secretly been going out with her.

"Ok babe. Well I guess I'll see you later." She said, before kissing me.

I started to think about all this crap I've got myself into, as I drive home. I should have never asked Livia to be my girlfriend. I know I can't break up with her, because Harry will be furious with me. But I don't know how much longer I can stay with her. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing person, but we're not right for each other. And I don't even understand how I was absolutely in love with her a few weeks ago, and now I have no feelings. Maybe part of it, was that I want to piss Harry off.

Why you ask, because he's the one to always get the attention from the ladies, and for once I wanted to show him that I could be just as good. And that I dated his best friend before he did. I have a feeling they were going to end up together. So maybe I should just make them spend more together and then just tell her 'oh I really think I'm holding you back from being with Harry. you two were meant to be together.' And then harry will never know I was cheating on her behind my back. And neither will she.

Livia's POV

All the boys and their girlfriends were being all lovey dovey as we all watched a movie. Zayn and Emma Rose were close to both being asleep, and it looked absolutely adorable. I really think they were meant to be together. Louis and Eliza were talking, and weren't even watching the movie. Karlee and Niall have not stop laughing, AND THIS IS A SAD MOVIE. I really don't understand her sometimes. But they were so cute together, and I'm really happy for Karlee, she deserves someone like Niall. I didn't know if I should look over at Kristen and Harry, because one, I would probably be a little jealous and two, I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off Harry.

"Hey babe, you ok?" Liam asked. He somehow showed up not to long ago, but I decided not to ask him anything.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired." That was a total truth. I could probably pass out any second.

"Well, you want me to carry you upstairs to your room?"

"You really don't hav..." But before I could even finish, Liam had me bridle style in his arms. Dang his arms are like, whdbjensixnsjxbd. Oh my, did I just almost FANGIRL over Liam's arms. I shook my head, and wrapped my arms around his neck, and I started to play with his hair. We made it up to my room, and he gently placed me in my bed.

"Night, love." He said before he kissed my forehead.

"Night, Liam." I said. My eyes became very heavy and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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