Chapter 24

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Livia's POV

-a few month have passed, and they are on tour-

The last few months have been a mixture of wild and awkward. I haven't talk to Kristen or Liam, and I haven't heard from Drake since they were caught. So he was clearly in on the whole thing. I should have known. A few day after I found out, Karlee and Niall talked to me and said they knew. They said they were sorry for not telling me sooner and stuff, but honestly I was ok with it. They were keeping it from me, because they wanted what was best for the band, which meant to wait for X factor to be over.

I feel like I've grown closer to Harry, and being partnered with him has been great. He's a lot better at it then I thought he would be. And the tour has been amazing. I have been to so many places, and seen so many cool things.

"You ready for tonight?" Niall asked everyone.

"Couldn't be more ready. This concert is going to be sick!" Louis replied.

"I can't believe we're playing in front of 35,000 people." Zayn said. Oh gosh, that's a lot of people. Suddenly all the 'what if's started going through my mind. 'What if I mess up', 'what if I trip and fall', 'what if I fall off the stage'.

"Liv, everything is going to be ok. You'll do amazing." Harry said. He could read me so well.

"I hope so. That's a lot of people, Harry." I said, and he nodded. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He then looked up and smiled at me, and I returned it.

"Ok guy, where here. This is going to be one sick show." Zayn said, opening the door. We all quickly piled out, and made our way into the arena. With every step, I became more and more nervous. I think Harry noticed, because he came over and grabbed my hand.

"Liv, calm down. Everything is going to be great." He told me, and all I could really do was nod. If I tried to speak, tears my come out. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I mean, I do, it's 35,000 people I'm about to be in front of.

"Ok, well I'm going to go to my dressing room." Harry said as he let go of my hand.

"Ok." I replied. We went our different ways to our dressing room to get changed. This is it, I'm about to do what I live best, dance, in front of a lot of people. Let's hope I don't mess up.


"Oh my gosh! That was the best concert yet!" Louis yelled as we all piled of the stage.

"I agree. I can't believe I didn't mess up." I said.

"You did absolutely amazing. I'm so proud of you." Niall said, kissing Karlee's cheek.

"Oh, thanks babe. You did great too." She replied. I swear all these people getting all lovey dovey around me, is going to make me throw up.

We all got in the car, and eventually Karlee, Emma Rose, and Eliza, who did great tonight, fell asleep on their boyfriends shoulder. I don't know how they fell asleep, we just came off stage. I was probably going to have a hard time going to sleep tonight.

"Finally." I said, as the car came to a stop. I jumped out and headed in the hotel. Everyone else decided to stay with their 'love of their life', so I got stuck with Harry. Not that I'm complaining. I walked into mine and Harry's room, with Harry right behind me.

"You did a great job tonight, Liv." Harry said, sliding off his jacket and throwing it onto one of the chairs.

"Thanks, Hazza. You did too. I'm glad we got that concert over." I said, while I grabbed a bottle of water for the both of us, then sat on the couch. Harry grabbed the remote and turned on a movie.

"Oh my gosh! I love this movie!" I yelled.

"I know, who doesn't like High School Musical 3. Oh my gosh, Zac Efron is to die for." Harry said in his best girly voice.

"Shut up. You're jealous of him aren't you." I said.

"Of course not. He only wishes he looked anywhere as good as me." He replied.

"You're so humble." I said sarcastically. The part came on where they are on the roof, and they are dancing together.

"Oh my gosh, we have to do this." I said pulling Harry off the couch.

"Do wha..." but before he could finish, I started to sing along with the words.

"Take my hand, take a breath. Pull me close, then take one step." I said, and he did all of it. I felt like I was really in the movie. "Keep your eyes locked on mine. And let the music be your guide." I continued, and we started dancing around the hotel room.

"It's like catching lighting, the chances of finding someone like you. It's one in a million the chances of feeling the way we do. And with every step together, we just keep on getting better. Can I have dance." We sang together perfectly. He's obviously watched this movie before.

"Take my hand, I'll take the lead. And every turn will be safe with me. Don't be afraid, afraid to fall. You know I'll catch you through it all." He sang perfectly, while we continued to waltz around the room. Song came to an end.

"Wow, that was awesome." I said, looking up at him.

"Yeah, it was." He said real seriously.

"Harry, I think I'm in love with you." I blurted out. Oh gosh what have I done? The look on his face scared me, he must not like me back. I slowly started to back away from him, and looked down.

"I-I'm s-sorry... I shouldn't have-" I was suddenly cut off by Harry. He put his hand under my chin to make sure I was looking at his amazing green eyes.

"Livia, you don't know how long I've waited for those words to come out of your mouth." He said looking into my eyes. Before I could respond, his soft, pink lips were on mine. My eyes slowly closed as my knees started to give out. He slowly pulled away, and then he pulled me into a hug.

"Livia, I love you so much that it hurts. Once I first saw you, something about you was different. You were never looking for guys to give you attention, but when they did, I was always jealous." I was completely taken back by what was coming out of his mouth. The more that was coming out, the more I am falling for him. If that was even possible. This time it was my turn to kiss him. He was taken back a little at first, but his arms slowly came to my waist, and mine went to wrap around his neck. When we pull away, he rest his forehead on mine.

"Livia, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend?" He asked. 'Oh my gosh, this is just like the dream I've been having.' I said to myself.

"Harry, I would be so stupid if I said no." I said and kissed him again. I can so get used to this.


I think I'm only going to write one or two more chapters for this story. I'm so ready to start writing my next one for you guys. Hope you liked this chapter.


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