Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

"Thanks, I'm Livia." She said as Liam took her bag.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Liam." He replied. By looking at him, it almost looked like he was flirting with her. I started to feel something I hadn't felt in a long time, jealousy.

Livia's POV

The rest of the boys came up to me and introduced themselves, and they all seemed really nice. I'm not going to lie, Liam is really cute. They all are, but something about Liam was different. What was crazy though, is that Zayn and Emma Rose seemed to get along very well. I'm guessing that before this tour is over, they will be together. Oh, and Niall and Karlee, I just have a feeling that it's going to happen. From what I've heard about him, from Harry, they seem to like a lot of the same things.

Our plane ride was very.... what's a good word I could use, interesting I guess you could say. So I found out that Louis has four sisters, Zayn has three, Liam has two, and I know Harry has a sister. Poor Niall though, he's like the odd ball of the group. He has one brother, he's the only one from Ireland, and he's the only one that's left handed. One thing they all have in common, other than singing is, they're all funny. Well Harry's joke are a little sad to be honest, but I still laugh at them anyways.

The plane landed just a while ago and we were on the way to the place we'll be staying at. So apparently Simon had a room for Emma Rose, Karlee, and I near where the boys were, which is good because I'll be able to see the boys a lot.

"Hey, um Livia I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go get some Starbucks with me, after you finish unpacking and everything?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I would love too." I replied. He seems like a really nice guy.

"Um, I was wondering, Karlee would you like to come with me to Nando's. You know after you finish all the stuff you have to do." Niall said.

"Yeah, but what exactly is Nando's?" Karlee asked. Niall was completely shocked.

"What do you mean 'what's Nando's'?" He asked.

"I've never been."

"Oh my gosh, well your going to be eating the best food ever." Niall said.

"It's not really that great." Harry said. Niall quickly gasped.

"What do you mean 'not great', it's amazing. Karlee don't listen to him, it's really good." Karlee just laughed. I completely zoned off for the rest of the way. Harry seemed a little pissed of, but I don't know why. Had I'd done something to make him mad? I hope not, because if I ask, he probably won't tell me.

Not long after we arrived, I had everything unpacked and ready for dance tomorrow.

"You ready to go, babe?" Liam asked. I caught me of guard a little that he called me that, but I guess that's because I don't get called that often.

"Yeah, how far is Starbucks from here?" I asked.

"Like five minuets." He replied. I quickly said goodbye to everyone, and jumped in the car with Liam. The ride there was crazy, we completely jammed out to the music on the radio, while laughing our heads off. We went into Starbucks and I we ordered our drinks, and Liam insisted on paying for mine, so I let him. Like free Starbucks, who wouldn't want that?

"Thanks." I said, grabbing the drink from him.

"No problem, love." I swear he's going to kill me. "So," he continued, "how long have you known Harry?"

"Well, I met Harry when I started working at the bakery, like around a year ago." I answered.

"Oh that's cool, he talks about quite often." He said.

"Good things, I hope."

"Always. So how long have you been dancing? Harry said you are very good at it." He asked.

"I don't know, I guess as long as I can remember." I replied. "So, do you know what time we have to be at rehearsals tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, like around 8:00 in the morning I think."

"You've got to be kidding me! I just, I can't."

"You can't what?" He asked.

"Let's just say I'm not a morning person, at all."

"Oh, it's not that bad, I've started getting used to it. Didn't you have to get up early for school?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I like it." He laughed, as he finished off his drink. The more I seemed to talk to Liam, the more I notice that he really is nice guy. Most guys this age aren't. And he's really cute.

We got up from our chairs, threw away our empty cups, and then jumped back into the car. I looked out the window, to see all these little shops that are absolutely adorable.

"Have you been in any of these shops over here?" I asked.

"No, I haven't. Maybe after practice tomorrow I can bring you over here." He suggested.

"That sounds great." Just then I realized I also had school work to do after practice tomorrow. I mentally groaned, as I looked back out the window. I have practice from 8-4 everyday, and then I have schoolwork I have to do on top of that. I thought doing this was going to be less stressful then what I was already doing, but I guess not.

We made it back, and Liam came over and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I said. We quickly made it to the door of my room. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yep." he said popping the 'p' before kissing my cheek. I quickly walked into my room before he could see the light blush that came to my cheeks. I think I might have a little crush on Liam.


Ok I'm sorry I had to do the 'Popping the P' thing, it just wouldn't be a fanfic without it. Haha!!! I promise I won't do it again.

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