Chapter 21

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Livia's POV

Today is the day we have been look forward to, it's the finale of the X factor. I really hope the boys win.

"Good morning, babe." Liam said, kissing my cheek.

"Don't 'Good morning' me. Where were you last night?" I asked, getting frustrated.

"I just went out, why do you care?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

"Because, you're my boyfriend and I wanted to make sure everything is ok with you, is that such a bad thing?!?" I yelled at him. I quickly turned around and went straight back up to my room.

"Was that you yelling?" Karlee asked as I entered the room.

"Yeah. Karlee, what am I supposed to do? Liam probably hates me." I asked.

"I don't know. Just shake it off, and forget about it. You're leaving tomorrow with Harry right?" She asked, and I nodded my head. "Well then you'll have a few days to just think over everything. what exactly is going on?" She asked.

"Well, lately Liam has been distant, and now he won't tell me the truth. He was clearly out all night, but he won't tell me or the boys where he went. Is he mad at me, did I do something wrong?"

"Just cool down a little bit, then go have a full conversation with him. I'm sure everything's ok." I nodded my head, she probably right. I just need to trust Liam.

Liam's POV

"Mate, where were you last night?" Niall asked. I didn't want to respond because I knew he would hate me.

"I went to Kristen's." I rushed out.

"You've got to be kidding! I'm going to tell her now." He said, heading towards the stairs. I grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"Ni, I'll tell her. After she gets back from the trip."

"You better." He said, pulling his arm out of my grip.

-after show-

Livia's POV

"I'm so proud of you guys! You should have won, but third is great!" I told them all. We all decided to go home after the show and celebrate.

"I agree, you guys were amazing." Karlee said, and then kissed Niall on the cheek.

"Thanks, babe. I can't wait to see you guys dance." Niall said.

"I forgot about that. Why don't you show us something." Harry said, plugging his phone into the speakers.

"What do you want us to show you?" Kristen asked.

"Show us what we're supposed to do with you guys for a song." Harry said. We all replied 'ok', then got with our assigned partner. I grabbed Harry's hand, while Karlee grabbed Niall's, and Kristen grabbed Liam's.

"Ok, so you're going to grab my hand, then you turn me around, then we circle you guys." After a little bit more explaining, Harry turned on the music. The boys started out terrible, but they soon caught on.

"There you go. Now you have like 10 more songs to learn." I said laughing and the boys all sighed.

"I don't see how you do this everyday." Harry said.

"Well I guess I can say the same for you. You know I can't sing to save my life."

"True. Well Liv, we should go to bed. Got a long day ahead of us. Night guys." Harry said while grabbing my hand and waving to the rest of the guys with the other.

"Harry, I'm not a baby. You don't have to put me in my bed." I told him as we made our way up the stairs.

"Well maybe I want to." He said. Before I could say anything he picked me up bridal style, and then placed me in my bed.

"Good night Hazza."

"Good night Liv." As he left my room, he turned off the light, and I slowly went to sleep.


"Wake up sleeping beauty." I heard someone say.

"Ugh, go away." I told them. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I was so tired, what time was it anyways. "What time is it?" I asked who ever it was.

"It's seven, so you need to get your lazy butt up. I let you sleep as long as I could." It was definitely Harry.

"Ok, just give me like ten more minuets." I barely choked out.

"No, you have to get up now. You have to pack and get ready. We have to be at the airport in six hours, so I suggest you get up now." He explained. I just let out a small 'ok' and slowly pulled the blankets off of me.

"I already made you breakfast." He told me as we walked down the steps.

"Oh really, thanks Hazza." We walked into the kitchen to see the back of Niall.

"Good morning Niall." I said, while Harry and I walked closer to him.

"Good morning." he replied with a mouth full of food.

"Niall, are you eating what I made for Liv and I?!" Harry asked.

"I don't know. I smelled food, so I got out of bed, and came and ate it." Niall said innocently. "I'm sorry." he quickly added.

"It's ok, Hazza. We can just have cereal." I told him, while getting out a box of lucky charms.

"Ok, thanks Niall." Harry said sarcastically.

"No problem, mate." He replied after he finished all the food. He finally made his way back up the stairs, and out of sight.

"Today is going to be a long day." Harry said.

"Yes it is, Styles. Yes it is."


Hope you guys are enjoying the book, and thanks for all the votes and almost 800 reads!!!

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