Chapter 8

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Livia's POV

A few days had passed since Harry and I went to the concert. He spent most of his time with his parents, because he told me that Karlee and I, along with Emma Rose, who is going to be opening for them, will be flying back with him to the show. Apparently we are starting to learn the choreography not long after we get there. I'm so excited for this! It's not everyday you get to dance on stage in front of thousands of people for a boyband. I really think it's going to take some time getting used to.

Today was the last day Harry was going to be here, I had to make sure I had everything packed to leave in two hours.

"Livia, I can't believe we are actually going!" Karlee told me. She came over to my house not to long ago, because Harry is picking us up here.

"I know! I'm happy I get to spend more time with Harry." She rolled her eyes and picked up her phone. I just shake my head, and pick up my phone also. I realized he texted me a few minuets ago.

MY BFF:im leaving right now to come get u. Apparently Simon changed the time on the flight and now we have a private plane for us and the rest of the boys

Me:ok sounds good!!!

I didn't really know how you reply to that, but whatever.

"Karlee, Harry will probably be here..." I was cut off by a knock that came to my door. "Now."

"Thanks for the heads up." She said sarcastically.

"Sarcastic much?" I asked.

"Sorry I'm really tired and..." she was cut off when my mom started to yell for me.

"Livia, get your lazy arse down here, and Karlee you too!" She yelled. We always joke about how my mom and her mom basically both raise us, but it's true. One time I stayed at Karlee's house for a whole summer, and I'll tell you that was one of the best summers I've ever had.

"We're coming!" I yelled back to her.

"Livia, you ready for this?" Karlee asked.

"Yeah, here goes our new adventure together." I replied.

"Wait what about school?" She asked while picking up her suitcase.

"Are you seriously asking me that?!?"

"Yeah..." she said unsure.

"We're finishing our classes on the computer, just like the rest of the boys." I explained. "I thought we went over this."

"We did, I just forgot." She stated. I seriously don't know what goes through her head sometimes.

We finally made it down the stairs from my room, and I saw Harry talking to my parents.

"Hey are you guys ready to go?" Harry asked.

"Styles, you know I was born ready." I replied. We all laughed, until my dad came up to me.

"I'm going to miss you, princess." He said while hugging me.

"I'm going to miss you too dad." I replied.

"You better call us and text us a lot. And Harry, please look after her." My mom said. I looked over at Harry, and he was smiling.

"I will, don't worry she's in good hands." He said. My parents gave me one last hug, before they went over to Karlee to hug her too.

"I think I'm going to miss you more." My dad said to her.

"Wow, ok. I'm really feeling the love right now." I said sarcastically. We all laughed at how crazy both my parents were.

"I think we need to go now, our flight leaves in thirty minutes." Harry said. I gave my parents one last hug, and grabbed my suitcase before we headed out the door. I have a feeling this tour is going to be the best thing I've ever done.

As soon as we got in the car, I noticed Emma Rose was already in the car.

"Hey girl, I've missed you so much." I hugged her and then put my suitcase in the back of the car. Emma Rose has curly, dirty-blonde hair and she is absolutely beautiful.

"I'm so thankful your doing this for me. Without you, I wouldn't be able to have my dream come true." She said to me.

"We should really thank Harry. Without him none of this would have happened." I told her.

The ride to the airport consisted of all of us screaming the lyrics to the different songs on the radio. After thirty minutes we finally made it to where we would be boarding the plane. As soon as I got out the car, I saw four guys standing together. They must be the rest of the band. We all piled out of the car and got our suitcases. The boys came up to us and one of them offered to take my suitcase for me.

"Thanks, I'm Livia." I said putting my hand out to shake his.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Liam." He replied, and I'm not going to lie, he's really cute. I have a feeling that being on tour with these boys is going to be.... interesting I guess you can say.

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