Chapter 20

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Livia's POV

"Have you seen Liam?" Louis asked me.

"No, I haven't. I'll call him." I pulled out my phone to call, and he never answered.

"Lou, he didn't answer. You think everything's ok?" I asked.

"Don't worry, love. I'm sure he's fine. Hazza and I are going to get some pizza, you wanna come?" He asked me. Even though I feel like crap, I'm still going to go. I can never miss an opportunity to have pizza.

"Yeah, I'd love to. When are we leaving?"

"Now!" He yelled, while grabbing my hand and dragging me to the car. But before we got out of the door he yelled again. "Harry, get your lazy butt down here and get in the car."

We quickly arrived at the pizza place, and got seated. So far, our conversations have been just random, and we didn't talk about one thing very long.

"So... Are you guys ready for the last show?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am really nervous." Harry said and Louis agreed.

"If we win, our lives could be changed forever. I mean, we already have a tour set up and everything, but still, winning would be amazing." Louis said.

"I can't wait to dance. And Harry, guess what?" I asked.

"What?" He replied.

"We are partners for some of the dance moves we have to do for the shows." I told him. I was really excited about this, because over the last few weeks, we have grown apart. I thought this trip would bring us closer, but we have barely talked this whole time.

"Really, that's cool. You know I'm a horrible dancer." He told me.

"Well, most girls like guys who can dance, so I suggest you get better at it." He just laughed it off, and mumbled out a 'whatever'. We all ordered our pizza, and not much later it came out.

"Dang, this pizza is amazing." Louis said.

"I agree one hundred percent. So Harry, you know you promised me something." I told him.

"Oh, I did. What was that?" He asked.

"You told me you would take me anywhere I wanted if you made it to at least the top three. So I believe you owe me a trip to anywhere in this world, that I want to go." I replied, with a smirk.

"Dang it. I didn't think I would make it this far. But whatever, I promised. So where would my wonderful best friend like to go?" He asked.

"I want to go to, um... Where do I want to go. How about... Paris! Yeah Paris that's where I want to go." I've always wanted to go there, and climb the Eiffel Tower. Even though I'm deathly afraid of heights.

"Oh, you want to go to the city of love, how romantic." Lou said teasingly.

"Wow, way to be mature. But I have always wanted to go there, and now I'll be able to scratch that off my bucket list."

"Well, I guess we'll leave after the show on Saturday." Harry said.

"That late at night?!? Harry, you know I need my sleep."

"Fine, we'll leave Sunday afternoon. Is that better for you, my queen?" He asked.

"Yes it is, Harold. Ok I'm ready to go home now. My feet hurt, along with the rest of my body, so I really would love to go to bed. What time is it anyways?" I asked.

"Around 7, and why are you so sore?" Lou asked.

"Karlee and I went shopping for 6 freakin hours!" I told him.

"Ok well let's go home and watch a movie, you in?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I replied. We made our way back home, and I made Harry carry me into the house. He gently laid me on the couch, then sat down next to me.

"Hey, everyone come down here! We're going to watch a movie!" Louis yelled to everyone. After about five minutes everyone had come down and got situated. Zayn, Emma Rose, Louis, and Eliza sat together on one larger couch. And then Karlee sat in Niall's lap, because they were sharing a chair. Then Harry and I both sat together on the last couch.

"Guys, where's Liam and Kristen?" Harry asked. No one replied, and we sat in an awkward silence.

"So... What movie do you guys want to watch?" Niall asked, breaking the silence.

"We should watch Finding Nemo." Lou suggested. He quickly got up and put it in before anyone could say anything. Toward the end of the movie half of us were crying.

"Why does this have to be so dang sad?" Niall asked, wiping away one of his tears, then wiping away one of Karlee's.

"I don't know, but I'm tired. I'm going to bed, see you losers later. Harry will you carry me upstairs, please?" I asked with my puppy face. Eventually he caved in and carried me upstairs.

"Good night, Liv." He said, then kissed my forehead.

"Good night, Hazza." I quickly fell asleep, dreaming that same stupid dream about Harry and I. Was it ever going to go away?

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