Part 24

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Bryces POV
It has now been 4 hours since the cheating scam and I am going crazy. I can't do anything without thinking of lily. She is all I am thinking about. Just holding her in her arms and kissing her meant the world to me and now I have ruined it. I went up to my room and cried. I cried until I couldn't anymore. I felt numb. I knew I have messed up but why would I ever leave lily for Elle. I can't process my life without her. She was my everything. I was supposed to marry her, giver her kids, grow old together but now I have ruined it. I will never forgive myself and I don't know how lily will ever forgive me. I decided I needed to go talk to her. I can't got to bed tonight without her in my arms.
Lily's POV
I had been crying for what felt like forever now. I know bryce wouldn't cheat on me. It was so hard to believe but the picture was there. I am broken. I gave him my whole heart and trusted him and now he just ruins our love. I want things to go back to the way they were before this happened. Me being in his arms while he kisses my shoulders and all over my face. The way he made me laugh in even the hardest times. And I want our cuddles back. The best part of my day was when I could be in his arms but now u feel empty. My train of thought stoped when I heard a knock on my door. I couldn't tell by the voice ho it was so I said come in and sure enough it was the person I least expected. Bryce. He walked into my room hesitantly and I looked into his eyes. They were puffy and red. He had been crying. My poor baby I just want to run into his arms but then I remember he is the one that cheated and I feel disappointed. I stood up from the ground and we both looked into each other's eyes  and the room fell silent. I couldn't help it anymore. I ran to him and hugged him as I cried into him. He hugged me back tightly never wanting to let go. I pulled away and sat down in the bed and he hesitated but quickly came and sat down next to me.
B- wait lily I just want to start by saying I am sorry.
L- Bryce I know you wouldn't purposely cheat on me.
B- wait you really believe me. Of course I would never you are my world and my soulmate. I know you are the one for me and I would never replace you for anyone. I love you so much that it's crazy. I felt hopeless these few hours because I couldn't see your face or hold you in my arms and kiss you. I hated myself and I hated for seeing you mad when you are the person that least deserves it. I don't know why you ever chose me lily. You have so many better guys that will treat you better but you still chose me. Why?
L- *crying* bryce please I chose you because I knew you were better than the other guys. I love you to much to let you go and there is nothing the other guys could do for me to chose them over you. I am so madly in love with you that I would not be able to live without you. I know you would never cheat and I have learned that Elle is one messed up girl but I believe you Bruce. I never want us to fight again.
Instead of an answer bryce pulled me into a passionate kiss that I melted into. I hadn't kissed him in a day and I was already waiting for our next kiss to come. I kissed back and I never wanted to pull away. Until we both did but we held each other close. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and smiled. I kissed him again and pulled him into my bed for cuddles. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead and said goodnight. I smiled and fell asleep in the love of my life's arms one again.

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