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I set my alarm for 7 am, since Whit mentioned the truck arriving from 8 am - 9 am. I quickly threw on some leggings and a t-shirt, and threw my hair up in a bun since I will be moving around, getting the furniture in and setting up my new apartment.

I packed the remainder of my suit cases from living in the hotel for a few days, this was the easiest goodbye, next to Kansas.

I grabbed coffee from the breakfast area, and handed the keys to the front desk, and made my way to my car, throwing everything in there, and started driving to my new apartment.

As I arrived, I started pulling everything that was in my car inside the apartment. I loaded up my washer with the clothes I have worn, and started it, and proceeded to hang everything else in my suitcase up in the closet.

As 8 am got closer, I heard a knock on my door. The moving company was a little early. I can't complain.

I opened the door, and my face went to shock.

"Beast Moving Company!" Chandler yelled, as him, Jimmy, Chris, and Jake walked into my apartment.

"How did you even figure out which apartment I was in? You stalkers." I laughed. 

"The wreath of flowers on your door was a dead giveaway, and your car is practically right up front." Chris shrugged. I laughed and hugged all the boys, seemingly Jimmy's was longer than the rest.

"Listen, you guys didn't have to do this, it's Saturday! You should be at home." I proclaimed

"Pfffffft. We don't do days off baby" Chandler said, flexing his lanky arms. I chuckled at him, as another knock came from the door.

"Oh this must be the ACTUAL moving company." I laughed, as I opened the door, confirming my statement.

The boys helped the 2 movers get everything in my apartment. Jimmy told the movers to just leave things around, and the boys will move it for me after they're done. This made the movers job easy, as they were in and out in under 2 hours.

I turned around to find my purse, to give the movers a tip, but as I turned around with the money, they were gone, and Jimmy closed his wallet. "Hey, wait, I needed to tip them!"

"Already taken care of. Don't worry about it." Jimmy smiled, but I didn't want him to do that, he shouldn't have too.

After much of going back and forth, we were cut off by an annoyed Chris. "Oh Christ, ENOUGH." He boomed, as we quickly stopped, blushes starting to come up our cheeks. "Thank you." I muttered to Jimmy, as he smiled, pulling me into a big hug.

The boys started to move around my furniture to my desires, making my apartment really come together. After all my things were perfect, I noticed it was a little past one.

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked.

"Oh brother, I thought you would never ASK." Chandler said, running to put his shoes, as I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Of course, Chan Chan." 

Jimmy offered to drive, and Chandler yelled shotgun and ran to the passenger seat.

I sat in the back, squished between Chris and Jake, but we were all having a good time, roasting each other again, and listening to music.

After we ate at the restaurant, I pulled out my card, to pay for everyone's meal as a thank you for helping me, but Jimmy fought me, snatching the bill from the table. 

"Oh no, don't even think about repaying us, you're family now." Jimmy smiled, handing his card to the waitress. 

"Come on! Don't make me feel bad, I feel like I'm freeloading." I laughed.

"I have venmo, cashapp, apple pay, snapchat pay, paypal-" Chandler begun, as I started laughing.

"Chan chan, there is gushers in my apartment, will you accept that form of payment?" I asked him, as he nodded eagerly.

As we left the restaurant, I offered to let the guys stay and hang out. I honestly liked the company.

I turned on my console, since I had smash bros, they all wanted to play against each other, I watched them play as I folded my laundry.

It was honestly a great night, a night I haven't had in a while, when Jimmy said I was family now, it made me feel amazing, but at the same time assured me I was in the friendzone. So I could push that out of my mind right now.


Jimmy's POV:

As I was playing Smash Bros, I kept looking up at Hannah fold her clothes, and she looked so beautiful. The messy hair, leggings and t-shirt is definitely her best look, hell, she looks gorgeous no matter what she is wearing. 

I snapped out of it when Chris shoved me over, screaming in victory, and Chandler pouting.

"Damn Chandler, first you're behind on winning challenges, and now smash bros?" I heard Hannah giggle, as she faced the dryer, folding more clothes.

"HEY!" He pouted again, as we all laughed.

Her wittiness and quick thinking was attractive. Her personality was amazing, and I could never get sick of being around her. I would almost just like to tear down the wall between our office and share it with her. 

Wait, no, she would get creeped out.

It was nearing evening time, when the guys were ready to head out and go home. 

We did a group hug, and pulled away.

"Bye, guys, once again thank you guys so much, I owe you a lot. See you guys on Monday!" Hannah smiled.

I know it was like only a couple days away but I feel like I couldn't wait to see her smiling face until then. But I also wanted to give her, her space.

After we got into my car, I turned it on to drive the boys back to the warehouse so they could get into their own cars and go home.

"Does Jimmy have a cruuuuush." Chandler gushed from the passenger seat.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Oh come on Jimmy, we see you staring at her." Chris said behind me, Jake joining in an agreeance.

"No, no it's not like that, she is a great friend." I tried to cover up, I didn't want to be teased about it, and I don't want to even think about the possibility of Hannah finding out.

"We're your bros, Jim, you can tell us anything. Even though we already know." Chandler smiled. "We won't say anything to her."

"There's just something about her." I left it at that, and the conversation changed to the video we were going to film on Monday.


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