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Hannah's POV:

It turns out Katie's contractions were the real deal! I was jumping for joy. I was so happy for her and Chris to finally have their baby, Katie couldn't wait to meet him, and neither could I.

I was still sitting in Jimmy's office around 6 with Chandler, waiting for updates. We all were excited for Chris, Jimmy and Chandler were excited about becoming uncles!

Shortly after 7, We got a group text from Chris, opening it, it was picture of Katie and their baby, Chris adding, "Welcome Tucker Tyson"

"OH MY GOODNESS. LOOK AT HIM." I gushed at the picture of the tiny adorable baby.

The boys didn't really react as I did. Men. We all congratulated both of them of their new addition, as Chris invited us to come to the hospital in the morning to meet their bundle of joy.

"Eeeep! I can't wait. Tucker is precious." I sighed.

We decided it was time to go home,  even though Chandler was still trying to stay and hang out.

"Noooo, because I know you guys are going to go back to one of your houses and hang out with each other and exclude me. I get FOMO." Chandler said sadly.

"Chandler, I think you just explained what couples do." Jimmy laughed, patting him on his back.

"Yeah but we're a couple... Couple of besties" Chandler replied.

"Tomorrow, Chandler" Jimmy laughed.

We locked up the warehouse for the night, as Chandler got into his car, finally going home.

Jimmy pulled me into a tight hug, as we leaned left and right. "Can our second date be tomorrow night? I would wait till the weekend, but I don't think I can wait that long." He asked.

I giggled, "Yes Jimmy, but nothing crazy. You don't need to me wow me, I am pretty much wowed at this point."

"Okay fineeeee" He huffed, but then smiling at me. "I'll let you get some sleep tonight. Can I pick you up in the morning, and we can ride together to the hospital?"

"Yeah, that would be perfect. Goodnight, Jimmy." I smiled up at him.

"Goodnight, sunshine." He said, kissing the top of my head, my stomach swooning. 

I got into my car, and went back home, exciting for tomorrow.


In the morning, I got up and got dressed in the usual attire for the warehouse, and Jimmy called me letting me know he was on his way.

Not very long after, he knocked on my front door, with the usual iced coffee for me in his hand. 

"I love coffee, but you don't have to go out of your way for me every morning" I smiled at him.

"Nonsense, It's practically on the way." Jimmy smiled at me, coming in to help me load all of Tucker's things in his car.

I may have went overboard, but I just couldn't resist. I got a few cases of diapers, wipes, toys, and a whole bunch of different baby clothes varying sizes. I was basically Tucker's auntie now, so he was obviously getting spoiled.

Once we got to the hospital, Jimmy was a big help carrying in a lot of the stuff to bring up to their room.

We got onto their floor, and knocked on their door quietly, as Chris opened it.

Chris' smile on his face was huge and bright, filled with joy.

Jimmy set down all of their things I bought in a corner, as Katie and Chris gave thank yous.

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