Wildflower Child

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a/n: just before you start reading. Just so you know I know this is wildly different to the actual book and storyline and nothing like this ever happens in it, this is just my mind ramblings that occur in my brain at midnight while I'm still awake....also, it's sad 

"Let me tell you a story. Once there was a wildflower child, they liked to sit in a field, under a tree, surrounded by wildflowers. There they sang and drew, there they felt free. One day they saw a little boy, he was crying. So the wildflower child went and comforted him. Day after day the little field boy would come visit and the wildflower child fell in love. But the little field boy disappeared. The wildflower child waited and waited but the boy never came back. At this same time the wildflower childs mother died, and their father became hateful. He mistreated the wildflower child. Beat them, hurt them, until the wildflower child ran away. They walked and walked, slept on the streets and scrounged for jobs. Scrapped together enough money to rent a house. But rent was so high eventually they had to resort to the worst thing they could ever imagine."

"You don't mean....."

"I do. As time passed, the wildflower child and the little field boy grew up. They both made new friends. Until their paths crossed again. When the wildflower child saw the little field boy they fell in love all over again. The little field boy had grown to be a radiant man. Who's features marvelled that of Apollo, and he had a fire inside him. One of passion and hope. But for all the pain the wildflower child had gone through, they just didn't believe in anything anymore. When talk of revolution started, it all went downhill. The wildflower child never had the brightest outlook on life and had turned to the bottle and other forms of pain. They eventually turned to jokes and pranks, pretending to die lest they actually do it themselves. It annoyed the little field boy to no end. It came the day of a protest and the wildflower child went to support. But they had the bottle the little filed boy so hated to see. So he turned the wildflower child away. So they left, all broken, ready to turn to the bottle, or the water, or the knife. Yet they ran into something deadlier. An angry man, with a gun. Then bang, off it goes and in comes the pain. The wildflower child lays on the ground, slowly bleeding out with only one friend by them. The other runs to get the rest. But when the little field boy is told he believes it is just another joke, so he does not come. Before the wildflower child takes their final breath they finally find out they were loved, and they make one last request. Lay me in my favourite place, in the field, under the tree, surrounded by wildflowers, so I may be free once more. Do you know what their last words were?"


And the wildflower child gets close to their beloved field boy and whispers in his ear "Goodnight my Apollo, I love you, thank you for setting me free"

When the wildflower child fades away, the little field boy is in the spot they first met, in the field, under the tree, surrounded by wildflowers, with only a gravestone facing him. It reads...

René Grantaire

24 years old

A free soul dancing in the breeze for the rest of time

The little field boy weeps, and curses the heavens, he loved the wildflower boy back, but he was too afraid to tell the truth. Now all he can speak to is the stone, hoping the wildflower child will hear him....and they do.

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