Death doesn't discriminate

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Hey Apollo, me again. God you must be tired of me visiting....hehe. Tired. I'm so tired Apollo, but I just can't sleep anymore. Knowing that I will never be with you. At least not yet. Oh who am I kidding, I'll probably never see you again. What is it like Apollo? Is it calm, peaceful? Is there a garden up there? Are you happy? You always told me I wasn't good at learning things. I could never learn to keep my mouth shut. I just wanted to listen to your voice really. I can't remember it now, it's faded from my mind, all I remember are your eyes. They were blue, the bluest I'd ever seen. We all want you back, nothing has really been the same. Everyone tries to be happy, sometimes they are, but it's not really happy. Not for me. If you were here you'd be yelling at me. Telling me I have no right to be upset. You're wrong. I have every right to be upset, and I am stupid to have not told you before you left. I loved you Apollo. That's the truth. I loved you so much, but I always knew that you'd hate me. So I lived in silence, even after you left. I didn't say anything, I couldn't. The others knew, apparently it was obvious. I thought it was, you just didn't see it. Maybe I should have told you, but how could I know if you felt the same. I was stupid, I am stupid. I want to see you again, but I know I can't. It's not like they would be sad. I think they all put up with me, they wouldn't care. Well some of them anyway. Actually, thinking about it, they might be sad. But I'd be with you. Or not. Maybe instead of going up, I'd go down. Imagine that, scratch that, don't. It wouldn't be nice. I see you received the gifts everyone gave you. The flowers look new, so they must have been a recent addition. We won the revolution. All of us. It didn't matter that you had left, just for that moment we had to forget. But we won. For you, we beat them. France is free Apollo, just like you wanted. Your Patria is free. If only you hadn't left. Paris is beautiful, the flowers, the small cafés. Of course there's still some poverty. That will take a while, but it can be done. We can all help. Except you, you'll never come back. I get it, what you'd say to me. Leave it to the others, you could do nothing to help, you don't believe in anything. Wrong Apollo. I believed in you. I still do. I live in hope and belief that you are still watching us. I hope your proud, I tried for you. I even stopped drinking for you, even though I know you won't come back. I stopped. I can learn things. I learnt a very important lesson that day, the day you left. I learnt that death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes...maybe that's why you left. Death didn't care. It didn't take me, the useless one, the one who did nothing, the coward. No. Death took you. The leader, avenging angel of a god, with your halo of golden hair, always waving that red flag of freedom. It's not fair Apollo. It should have been me. I was right next to you! I could have sworn it was aimed at me. But then it was you, dying right in front of me. I killed him you know. The man that shot you. He died in pain, slowly. It's getting late now Apollo, so I should go soon. You already have flowers but I brought you some more. Red flowers, just like the ones you always said you loved. I listened, I always did. Because I loved you, and I always will. I will wait until I can see you again, I really hope I do. Goodbye for now my Apollo, I'll be back again soon...

*angel Enji*

I am always with you. I never left. I wait for you, but don't come too soon. You're wrong R, I never hated you. I did love you, I was just too scared. Scared that you would be hurt. The gun was pointed at you, but I couldn't let you die. So I stepped in front of it. I am sorry that you are in pain, I am so sorry. I didn't want to leave you. Keep the others safe R, keep yourself safe. I love you. I miss you.

*third person*

If you go to the cemetery at night, you might be able to see a ghost. A young man. Far too young to be dead. Wandering through the grave stones, praying to himself. Praying for his friends and his love. The people that he left. Never once will you see this young man cry. He has only cried once. But that's not true. He will cry for one person. If you go to the cemetery in the day, you will see who he weeps for. Another young man, this one very much alive. Who will sit in front of the ghosts grave, telling him stories and damning himself to a life of sorrow. For these young men loved each other. They fought together, but only one was left alive. If you listen very closely one phrase is always repeated. Every time the same lesson. So tell it to your children and pass it down through generations. It is valuable knowledge and these men know this. So be aware of this...

Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes.....

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