
43 2 10

a/n: This prompt was given to me by @fangirl_next_door_ so thank very much for that. You got me out of my "I don't know what to write' state of mind. Now time to start...

When the fighting started no one could predict what would happen. It all occurred so fast. The national guard firing on us left, right and centre. Our comrades falling around us. Blood and feathers and splinters everywhere. Nightfall comes and we've lost one, the young girl I only knew from the few times I shared a drink with her on common grounds of pining. 

We think the fighting is over, that we can stop for the night. Relax, try to sleep. Then there's a shot, everyone on their feet. Second one comes and we all have guns in our hands. I see Apollo on top of the barricade. A third shot, and a scream rings out. Apollo! The man slips down the pile of furniture and Joly runs towards him. Approaching I can see the wound is not fatal. His red coat staining with his blood. A plan comes to mind.

I ask Joly to give me the coat and he gives me a look of utmost confusion. I have to keep repeating my question, even resort to threats before I'm given it. Looking up to the sky I can see it pouring with rain. That and the darkness would be enough to conceal my true identity. After some explanation the others understand my plan. They may not like it, but as long as Apollo is safe I don't care.

All I know is the guard will be looking for the leader. A man in a red coat. Under the cover of darkness, I could be like Apollo. The leader. As long as the leader is dead the guard will leave everyone else alone. If I die now, quick with minimal pain at least it's better than what I would have got. A few more months of agony, wasting away until I can't even move. Waiting in constant pain until I inevitably die. No. This was the better way.

Sneaking out from behind the barricade I draw the attention of the guard. I have to start running as they advance. Ducking through side streets and alleys, avoiding their attack. When I get to the bridge I stop. I don't want to run any further. I'm far enough away. I can hear the river below me, the rain on my face. Turning to face the guard I clutch the red flag I stole tighter.

When they ask me who I am, I say nothing. When they ask me if I was the one to kill the artillery sergeant I say yes. They raise their guns and I raise the flag. With a final cry of allegiance to the revolution I hear the report sound. I feel the burn of the bullets tearing through my skin. I fall. But as I lie there dying, I know no one will find me. I am to die alone, but at least my friends are safe. I see the blood blooming on my chest like a flower. The rain washing away my tears.

As I slip into the cold embrace of death my mind can only think, may the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary.

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