Hoist the colours

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The king and his men
Stole the queen from her bed
And bound her in her bones
The seas be ours
And by the powers
Where we will
We'll roam

The haunting words, of that cautionary tale filled the air. A melancholy lullaby to calm or warn many a pirate. It was the last words Courfryrac would ever hear. The last song. For that very moment he was facing the hangman's noose. Execution for piracy.

Kneeling there, bound by hand and mouth, he focused his mind on that song. On the thought of the man he loved. Wishing he'd come.

Death so close, he could practically taste it. Then a shout, clear and true. A name, his own. Only one person had that voice, Combeferre. Sailor, lover, his soulmate.

In a matter of seconds, the man was in front of him, pulling him to his feet. The gag around his mouth removed, only to be replaced with a pair of lips. A desperate kiss. Then song lyrics. A song all pirates know. A song of freedom.

Yo ho
All hands
Hoist the colours high
Heave ho
Thieves and beggars
Never shall we die

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