Chapter Two

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It took me about an hour of relentless walking to finally reach Benny's my place of work. Remind me never to give my loose change to anyone, even if it's the president himself. Well and Mr Benny was not exactly happy with my being late.

"Amber yoy were supposed to be here an hour and fifteen minutes ago" so yeah, that was how my boss greeted me. Ironic right. Isn't he the sweetest? I walked into the kitchen, it was time for work. Benny's was a big resturant and bakery. It wasn't really popular and expensive but quite known by half of the people in the city, and really comfortable to. The food was awesome if I do say so myself.

It served a verity from German to Italian, Spanish to African dishes. Okay well it was popular, but not so popular that the Kardashians would come and eat from here. My main point was that, it was seldom for you to find a customer complaining about hair in his food or an unwashed spoon or fork.

So according to our motto "we serve with excellence" um, actually no, scratch that out we-serve-with-a-fake-smile-on-our-faces-and-then-with-excellence-because-if-we-don't-Mr Benny-would-have-our-behinds.

In all honesty, I will say this with enough politeness Mr Benny is a big pain in the behind area. But as you would have already figured out, I work here because I have bills to pay and besides a girl has to pamper herself with things. Am I right ladies? We don't always need a man.

Well I have this weird habit. I can afford petty things, but when it comes to more expensive things that's when I become daddy's little girl. Okay that's an exception as to when I need a man, namely my dad to buy me something expensive or in other words everything expensive.

"Yo, kiddo you okay? You've been standing there for about ten minutes. Unless you don't want your ass fried I think you should move" then he chuckled. Ah yes my partner in crime (s).

I sighed. "I am good, just came back from getting my results and we'll I got rejected" he smiled, he actually did.

"I could tell with the way your pouting your face and lost deep in thought, here let me see" and then he damped a really heavy box which heavens only knew what on me and then grabbed my rejection letter and read.

"Um. Interesting. You know Amber this isn't the end of the world, all you have to do is work harder"

"Jeez, says the guy that got into school before me"

"Well, you can't exactly blame me, while you were chilling the first year with working after high school, I began reading for exams and guess what babe, I got in, last year. See" and he put his hands up in a defenceless manner and handed me back my paper.

"I know, I know Richy you were prepared and I was not"

"Amber" his tone was soft, he walked over to me, tilting my head so he could look me in the eyes. "Hey do not cry, I hate it when you cry, it's okay. Next time you will get in okay. Just work a little harder. It's okay. Shh" by then I couldn't help it.

I wrapped my arms around Richy's back, as I let all my tears and wasted effort spill on his work shirt. I was being a baby. I get. But it wasn't easy really.  After so mich time and effort put into studying. His voice drifted towards me from above.

"Hey baby girl, I can't stand knowing that my best friend, the most awesomest person. If that is even a word cries. It hurts me. You know what after work today, I will take you out for some ice cream and hell you can buy whatever expensive things that pleases your heart, just do not cry, do this for me please? " and then he pushed me back a little further so he could look me in the eyes again. "Okay?" he said again.

This time I couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time. Why? Well I laughed because I remembered I didn't have change for transport to go home this night and I cried because I knew I had to abandon my ice cream and ask for some change.

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All the best.
Jacum Lisa Sylvia.

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