Chapter Ten

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Okay, I think I have issues with this thing called life. If it were a person I would gracefully strangle it. I mean why- then it hit me, Brayden, why didn't I think about this earlier. Brayden is the name of the company. Brayden is the name of the company I applied to. Brayden us the name of the man that made me loss my job. Ah. I am going to strangle someone.

"Lennon chill, I am having an interview with the only person that has the guts to apply for a secretary in three months"

"I do not bloody care, the clients are waiting and I want to get this over with " Mr Carl Peters looked at me, and smiled a sweet smile and said "Forgive my dear friend's manners, let me introduce you to Mr Brayden Lennon Nathanael, the CEO of Brayden's Enterprises and apparently the only man on earth with the worst manners ever"

Standing up on shaky legs I turned to face the man I now termed as my enemy, stretched out my hand and said. "Mr Brayden what a pleasant surprise" he had different expressions on his face, the first shock, then it changed to surprise then it changed to my favourite, I think this would be the third time I am seeing him with this expression. Anger. He didn't even bother shaking hands with me. Men! He walked straight to Carl, slammed his hands on the desk and said in a voice loud enough for sweet dear me to hear.

"I hope you haven't given her the position?" Carl smiled and replied with "Of course I haven't give her the position yet, but I must say she is good, she will be able to put you in your place"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Carl?" Lennon shouted. Carl being the calmer one in the room, even I had raging maddening anger boil through me, said "What are you waiting for ? We have a meeting. We shouldn't keep the clients waiting. We wouldn't want that now. It is considered impolite etiquette"

Then he patted his shoulder. "Amber I want you in this meeting with us, your first job would be to take down notes. Very important notes said during the whole meeting" and with that he walked out of the office.

Mr Brayden turned and looked at me from my shoes up to my hair, then his eyes landed on mine. He took two long steps and stood right in front of me, again I found myself looking deep into his hazel eyes falling, drifting deeper and deeper into unknown depths that was his soul.  I then noticed I am short. Wow. He laughed and under his breathe spoke four short words. "You. Won't. Survive. Long" and then he walked out. I was paralysed,  transfixed to the spot and couldn't move until I realised I didn't know where the conference room was. And i ran after the man that made my legs feel like jelly and the same man that would hopefully be my employer. Hopefully.

Are you a secretary? Oh my goodness! Sitting in a conference meeting for two hours is so boring! How do secretaries do it? They were talking about some new product, going back and forth with debates and conversations and ah I would have screamed. More than once my eyes threatened to close. And whenever that would happen i would look around the table. All gentlemen were staring straight at the man at the front talking. All focused their attention on him, well except one, that was Mr Brayden. He kept throwing me glances and even Carl had noticed. And whenever he threw me a glance Carl would smile at him and the both of them would share a secret conversation through their eyes. Men !

The next hour drifted by, still same conversations, debates, sentences. I got so tired that I started looking at the ceiling and I counted about ten to thirteen spiderwebs and lo and behold I saw three spiders, one was busy scolding the baby spiders for doing whatever they did wrong and the other two, well they were, umm, mating. And they seemed really content that the conversations coming from down here helped them to focus on their mating. Soon they would dominate the conference room. I smiled to myself "if you want room domination I will help you spiders".

I felt a kick under the table and when I turned, Mr Brayden was looking at me and in a very low voice asked "is there something funny?" I quickly hook my head and snapped to attention. Sigh.  Sorry spiders I won't be able to watch you take over the room. I tried I really did for ten minutes until I had had enough.



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