Chapter Thirty Three

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The guard stopped me blocking my way, I raised my left hand to his face showing him I didn't care and pushed past him, I think he let me go because he was so busy eyeing my ass.

I bumped into a stranger "wo, mama watch where your going." He put me on my feet and he didn't try to touch me or even take advantage of me though he looked at me, I smiled back at him or at least I tried, I kept on seeing three of him it was hard to know who was who and who my mind had created.

I walked to the bar and took three more glasses of some drink I didn't know the name of then went to the dance floor I was crying, but dancing, moving my body but hurting, how I got the energy, how I was able to stay on my two aching feet I do not know. Then I saw him, by the door he was scanning the area, why did he care ? why was he looking for me? I ignored him and continued, I felt my stomach turn, this was the reason why I didnt drink, one because it makes you vomit and two it gives you a hangover.

I pushed my way to the exist of the club and went straight for a gutter, I was on my knees, my shoes a few feet from me pouring out giving back to nature what she gave me, someone held onto my hair as I emptied my stomach, everything I had eaten flowed in the dirty water going somewhere I didn't know. When I felt okay I sat down, my head was spinning, the only thing I wanted to do was sleep, he bent down and gently wiped my lips with a clothe, he picked up my shoes and helped me to my feet, neither of us spoke.

I leaned onto the door of the car far away from him, and closed my eyes as I cried. Silently, hurting.

The car stopped in front of his house, he got out and opened my door he made a move to lift me up but the look I gave to him stopped him, he shoved his hands in his pockets and stepped aside. Men bloody bastards.

I went straight for the kitchen and drank a cold glass of water my head was on fire. "Amber we need to talk." I ignored him and pushed past him he held my hands and pushed me to the wall, his lips came crushing on mine, I tried to free myself, but he held my hands just above my head and my legs were captive of his, I shook my head from side to side but his hand had me in place, I tried shutting my mouth but his forced them open, I was crying.

I managed to free one hand and it scratched his face. "fuck" he said after he released me, I saw my scratch marks on his face and a tiny hint of blood. I made to move but he lifted me up and threw me on the couch
I missed I landed on the floor instead. My head was spinning, the room was going round and round and someone was screaming, I tired to lift up my head, it was Isabelle screaming I tried to look at her, but my head wouldn't allow it, my body protested and my eyes where in agreement with my soul, I needed to rest.

I was on the same spot I had landed the only difference was that I had a pillow under my head and a blanket over my body, I looked to the wall and saw it was three in the morning, a lone figure sat on one of the sofas, drinking from a bottle of Devils springs Vodka 160, I didn't drink but even I knew that was a strong drink. I tried to sit up but a series of pain shot through me, I tried again this time I manged to stand up, Isabelle was on the couch just besides me sleeping with her rabbit in her arms.

I looked at him, his eyes where else where. I lifted up Isabelle from the couch and took her to her room. Kissed her goodnight and went of to my room, I didn't sleep, I could not after coming to terms that he thrown me and that he could hurt me easily. Oh wait he already did hurt me, he could inflict physical pain on me.
The days went by the same way they always had been well except we had gone back to work, Mr Brayden took the most liberty of avoiding me, he would drive to work without me and then leave without me. Wasn't he just childish? Most of the times he would avoid me, avoid my eyes and most importantly avoid my presence.

"Amber, dear, I need some certain files I believe you have what I am looking for, I am not really sure but I seem to have either misplaced them or gave them to you to work through-" it was Carl that had spoken, "Why is he like this?" I asked him, Carl stopped rampaging through the lockers with papers, he had already made a mess. "Why is who like what?"

"Why is Mr Brayden the way he is Carl, ? Cold? Moody? Arrogant? The list is endless." He pulled out a chair in front of me and sat down, he looked towards the office door leading to Mr Braydens office. He was heavens knows where maybe fucking another woman in the bathroom



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