Chapter Twenty One

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I watched the two of them play. I didn't know that the time had gone by until Isabelle came rushing to me holding her stomach. "Miss Aiden I need to poo".

I wasn't a fan a public toilets so I had to rush her back to Mr Brayden's bathroom to allow her do her business, I made sure she was seated well, so she wouldn't fall in the toilet, I left the door slightly ajar I told her to call me when she was done.

I walked into my office heading straight for Mr Brayden's. I had picked a few letters from the ground floor that were meant for him, that I wanted to give to him. We had been gone for three hours. And in thoes  three hours, Isabelle made friends. A dog named noodles, a girl named Lillian and even her baby sister and some other children from the park. Every five minutes she would run back to me and tell me a new friend's name. I was so happy for her.

Mr. Brayden's office door was open, which was something strange considering the fact that he never left his door open. I walked in nonetheless.  Maybe he wasn't even in.

I stopped in my tracks the document I had drop to the floor.

He was in, oh hell he was and by the looks of it enjoying himself. He had a girl from the lobby sitting on him, her legs on either side of him, her dress which was so inappropriate to be considered as a work attire was up around her waist. And her underwear, a thong was on his desk.

The upper area of her dress was open showcasing for the world to see her nipples. But it was not her appearance that got me hurt or even even angry it was the man, the man that called himself my boss. His hands where around her, one holding her butt, under her dress and the other holding her hair he kissed her like she was everything.

I didn't even know I was staring at them not until he spoke "Thank you for the letters now get out and close the door."

And so I did. I helped Isabelle clean up and when she was comfortable on the sofa by the window with a coloring book. The girl walked out of the office with a satisfied smile. She directed her smile at me but I didn't look at her I was looking at the man, he held onto her thong, smelt it and placed it into his breast pocket all the while looking at me with a smile.

Was that meant to make me jealous or angry because I refused to allow him have me earlier? It did not only make me jealous and angry but also hurt.

I buried myself into the work I did even though my mind wasn't there I didn't try to talk to Mr Brayden. I didn't even look at him or even acknowledge the fact that he was in the room with me. When it was time for me to leave, I kissed Isabelle goodbye and she whispered in my ear "I love you Amber."

Those words made my heart swell Mr Brayden heard her and he directed his gaze to me daring me to meet his eyes but I didn't. I wanted to get out of here fast and soon enough my emotions were a mess. I was a mess.

I was on the ground floor heading for the exit when. "I know how to make a man feel good and wnat me don't you think?"

I knew that voice it was the girl from earlier today. "You should have seen the way he wanted me. Couldn't wait to have me though." She was talking to the woman besides her but her voice was loud enough for all to hear.

" Unlike some people that do not know how to give it to a man."

That last statement was for me and I could feel the eyes looking at me. I smiled and turned to face her.

"What's your name again?" I snapped my fingers as if remembering something. "oh yes bitch. Your a bitch clearly  written all over your face. So tell me a bitch,  if it was that good why will you be going home alone to your cold bed? If it was good enough you wouldn't have left his office or maybe you're just a whore. Tell me how many times have you slept with people and then blunted it out for  the whole world to hear?"

"At least I gave it to him, unlike you who was so scared and a goody goody to do it." She spoke defensively I shook my head. "Miss whore, look at me and look at you. All my assets bitch are as rich as fuck. I do not need to get naked or to dress in an inappropriate manner to have a man and make him want me I am not like a whore, cunt like you besides, I got all the curves and in the right places I am quite thick and I know if he grabs me he would feel something. What is it you have again?"

I know I took it so far but I couldn't help it my mouth, my head and my heart were all in agreement trash-talking her. I looked at her from head to toe. "oh yes nothing, you just use your pussy as an excuse right?"

I turned and headed for the door and stopped once I had it opened. "if you're feeling uncomfortable without any underwear I believe you thong is in the upstairs trash can." and then I walked out.



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