Chapter Thirty Four

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"Have you tried talking to him?" I looked down at the paper on my desk, I hadn't tried talking to him. He wouldn't even look at me. "I guess he is the way he is because he wants to be that way." I said not daring to meet his eyes.

"Amber he held on my hands,: it sent a wave of fear through me I felt afraid, but when I looked at his face, he was smiling, "Tell me has he told you who is after him ?" No he hadn't, he would always change the subject whenever I brought it up, he would meet with Phillip the man in charge of the case but never had he told me who was after him or why, it had been two months since it had happened, he still felt the need to keep me in his house. I shook my head no in response. He smiled.

"Tell me Amber why do you think he wants you to stay in his house?" I answered without any thought, "to keep me safe." He smiled again, and I couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

"Lennon isn't the way he is because he wants to be that way, he is the way he is because something made him that way." He let go of my hands and leaned back in his seat, "I do not know if I should tell you his story or if you should hear it from his mouth." I thought for a minute, no way was Lennon going to tell me what happened to him or his past. But it wasn't right hearing it from Carl, I shook my head. "I think I will hear it from him when he is ready to tell me," Carl stood up, "Eell, I think that is better but in case you still want to know I will tell you."

Later that afternoon, I stood by his door he was writing something, I cleared my throat "What miss Aiden I am busy?" He didn't call me Amber he called me miss Aiden.

"I just wanted to inform you that you have a meeting with the board members of the STEM company in ten minutes," there was a long silence, "tell Carl to get ready he would be going with me?" I took deep breathes this was what he had been doing avoiding my presence. "I am afraid he is not around, you sent him off to carry out some work, and he hasn't returned since morning. "

"well" he said wanting me to complete what he wanted to say "well go get the things needed ready I do not have time to waste." I still stood there, "for fucks sakes, miss Aiden, your blocking my air he looked at me pointing at the door, "

"Give him a call ask him when he will be finished," "Yes sir" was all I managed to say as I walked out, I called Carl and asked where he was and if he could make it here in time, he had replied with "I am sorry Amber please tell him I won't be able to reach there in time to go with him to the meeting," but then I begged him to call Mr Brayden and explain himself.

The door to his office banged shut, he looked ready to leave for the day, I didn't look up at him I continued working with the computer. "Get ready we leave in two minutes" and then he walked out.


"That is why you should sign the contract, Mr Brayden I think this is the best deal I have ever come up with." I didn't like this man one bit. "The profits are just marvellous, I can already see the figures in my minds eye, six zeros to be exact." Another one spoke, I didn't like this whole meeting thing one bit. They were smiling, over smiling, the fat one kept on patting his stomach while the thinner one kept on throwing me glances and the woman by my side kept on staring at her phone.

The contract and a pen were right in front of my dear employer and he was lost in thought contemplating the deal. Was he really going to sign it, my knowledge on business was just based on what I learnt for a year, it didn't go so far but even I understood that something was amiss there, and the over friendly smiles we kept on receiving proved it. "Okay I will sign it." he picked up his pen, that was when I spoke "sir I do not think you should sign that contract, something seems off here."

He didn't so much as glance at me I placed my hand on his hand. "Listen to me Mr Brayden, look at those two." I turned my direction to the two men from me, they were both sweating and their smiles looked fake I have a bad feeling about this. "Do not sign it." he placed his other hand on my hand that was stopping his other hand from signing and removed it like it was something disgusting. I didn't care whether or not I got fired, I yanked the paper from under the pen. "Do not sign it Lennon." My hand hit the glass with a dark liquid and it spilled on the woman besides me.

I turned to her and opened my mouth to apologise when I felt a cold substance hit my face and soak my clothes, she looked at me with furious eyes I still apologised to her anyway and she shouted at the top of her voice for me to get out, I still had the contract in my hand and Mr Brayden pulled me out to a corner, he stood in front of me blocking me from any form of escape.



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