Chapter Eighteen

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"Are you sure? Because it sounded like he is more then that. Possibly a friend with benefits." His fingers slipped under my pant and were touching me there, I was wet, he made me wet, thinking of him made me wet and him doing this made me wet. I managed with all my might to release myself from his grasp my clothes were in disarray, but he, he  look good like he hadn't done anyting.

"Richy is not a friend with benefits. I can never think of him that way, we are good friends soon to be family. I do not fuck him and neithrt is he my lover." I literally spat the words at him. I was angry, so mad at him.

"I know whores and Liars when I see them and dear darling you're not an exception." With that he sucked on the fingers that where I once touching me. I slapped him hard across his face.

"I'm not a whore, I have never even had sex I'm still a-." I didn't need to complete the statement he got my meaning .I pushed past him and headed straight for the door but my hand was held back.

"Whether you're a whore or not, I do not tolerate my employees using working hours to pleasure themselves witg calls from friends or lovers that needs to stop. I will not take it easily with you the next time you do that." then he turned for the door.

"Next time. How many times have I made calls while I was working? How many times Lennon?" I pushed him to the wall and he was looking at me. I had my hands pulling on his lapels,  his breath finding my face.

"You just called me a whore and a liar. What about you? Taking advantage of me by walking in here and having your hands all over me who is the whore here tell me?"  I was breathing hard and he have the guts to look at my chest and how it rose and fell, men arrogant human beings. I released him and turn to take my leave.

"Amber, you do not know what you do to me." And his lips came crashing with mine with so much force, so much anger, I didn't have a choice but to open up to him. His grip on me tightened, he had me caged and to be honest I didn't think I wanted to go. Then the kiss changed. It felt painful, his grip on me tightened tenfold, he pushed me to the wall.  "I want you Amber and I want you now."

"no" I say between the kiss.

"Why ? Don't you want me to same way I want you?"

"You just called me a whore. Do you think I would want you even if I wanted you so badly." I tried pushing against him. "Let me go!"

"No" was what he said and came crashing down on me a second time. I turned and he met my cheek but that didn't stop him. He trailed kisses down my cheek, my neck and towards my breasts.

"I will shout bloody murder if you do not let me go. I am not for your pleasure, I am a human with feelings and emotions and right now you're hurting me. Let me go for the last time."  And he did, when he did I realized I was shaking. I felt hurt. I mastered all the courage and began to work out. "Amber" He tried again.

"Mr. Brayden, I have work to do and so do you and it's Miss Aiden to you and not Amber." I had just managed to close the door then I heard him punch the wall and shout "bitch."

I went to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet lid. Why was he like that? I heard sniffing, and an awful smell. Someone was in the bathroom to, but who? This was Mr. Brayden's private bathroom and toilet no one except him, his daughter and I were allowed to use it. The sniffing came again followed by another kind of noise, the one you make when it's not coming out.

"Hello?" I walked over to the other door. I shouldn't open it. It would be wrong but I needed to know who was in there. I was just about to knock when "Miss Aiden?" My heart skipped a beat. I forgot all about me. "Yes darling." I had tears in my eyes. She finally called my name. After weeks and weeks she called me she was speaking and not just to her dad but also to me.

"Can you help me?" By now I was gripping the handle ready to push open the door. "What's wrong love?"

"It's not coming out and my stomach hurts."

"What did you eat last?" Some sniffing came on another grunting noise.

"Daddy bought me some snacks but after eating them my tummy started aching."

"Oh sweetheart, can I come in? Will you be okay with me coming in?" She didn't reply so I continued after a few seconds. "Do not force it out. You might hurt yourself. How about we go for a walk in the park, it is sunny and I will get you some oranges. They usually help in such situations." Still more silence.

"Isabelle? Are you okay?" My voice was filled with panic. I heard noises and something fell with an ouch. My heartbeat was hundredfold now.



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