Chapter Five

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It had been a week after the rejection incident had happened, and it had taken me only two days to get the fact in my head that I wasn't going to university this year. Irony. Life is an Irony.  I never really understood that statement, but I think I get a clearer picture now. Sighing. I was the only waitress present at Benny's well with the exception of Mr Benny in the manager's office calculating profits and losses. It was a Saturday. I know this was definitely not how I expected to spend my day. I was thinking of a new romance novel or my favourite DC superheroes or more of like villains The Joker and Harley Quinn, but like I said life is an Irony with an extra o to the irony.

So yeah here I was at Benny's. Again. Working my cute behind off. I had cleaned up pretty much if the whole resturant, it was funny how I as the only person was able to do that and change all the table napkins. Mr Benny had this policy of changing the naperies every day. But like I said extra hours do pay well, even though they are bone cracking tiresome.

I stood behind the counter arranging the menus for today, placing them in neat piles, my back turned towards the resturant, humming a sweet little song I heard once but didn't know the name to and was too lazy to search it up. Sigh. I do not know if you have ever been in such situation as me with the whole song thing. I wasn't so distracted that I didn't hear the bell ring and the foot steps that approached the counter until someone cleared his or her throat. I turned around and the first thought that came to my mind was "oh my gosh we are being robbed" but taking a second look at the person that stood in front of me. I sighed inwardly, yes life is a huge irony. "May I help you sir?"

"I would like a cheesecake, two muffins and a cup of white mocha" Well that was a first, no please, wow, someone had to learn some manners.

"But if you would please glance at the sign" I put so much emphasis on the please "we are still closed and not opened till eight o'clock sir".

"If I am not wrong" he said while he looked at his watch "the bakery should have opened since thirty minutes ago, so I place my order again." I looked at the entrance and to my extreme luck, Kirk walked through. Not that it had anything to do with luck but I was not really good at making beverages mostly,the white mocha, so yeah.

"Your order will be ready in five minutes sir, would you be so kind as to wait, the mocha has to be made" and with that he walked off to the nearest table and sat down, pulled out his phone and started going through it. It took Kirk seven minutes and an extra five minutes to make the drink and of course the mister rude son of a well of a bachelor kept on shooting me annoying glances which kept on saying I am waiting, where is it?

And whenever he did I would reply with its coming poof hold your horses. Since I was working behind the counter I didn't really have to go serving people, a younger waitress with blond long hair, blue eyes and big boobs for her body served the amazing polite customer whom some week back had spilled coffee on my very important (rejection still not saying that) document. And he had the stupid guts to check her out. From her hair to her small face then his gaze travelled to the girl's prize. Her boobs.

"Shit" I didn't know I had spoken out loud until the customer in front of me asked "Pardon?" What? Curse that damned being. "I am sorry Mrs Raven" the woman threw me a quizzical look and turned her gaze to the person I had been staring at, then she cast me another knowing smile and walked off. I didn't know why but my eyes were drawn back to the man again. And to my utter most shock and surprise he was looking at me and no longer at the blond and her boobs. I looked down quickly then my gaze came to rest on my boobs.  Has a man ever looked at me like that?



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