Chapter Twenty Six

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I slipped on something which as luck had it, saved me from the deranged woman. She crashed into the wall but was in reach of the knife. I kicked her legs out from under her and she fell. I pulled the knife from the wall and threw it to the other side. I was just about to move when she pulled me down to the floor with her, I hit my back along the sharp edges of the table but in my hand, I held a strong and heavy frying pan. It came bottom flat on her face. I manged to lose her grip on me and ran but she held on tight and I fell again. I had twisted my ankle . That wasn't good  she was on top of me now .

She raised a bloodied piece of glass so high it came crashing down on me, I used my hands to shield my face, she was aiming for my neck. The glass cut my hand and I felt blood drop. From the looks of it, it didn't affect any major veins or arteries. My left hand gripped something, I brought it forward and hit her head with. It sent her falling backwards. i wasn't a fun of violence but this had to end now.

She was bloodied and the sight of her sent disgust through my body. I manged to climb on top of her and punched her in the face. I will not lie. When boys do it or when you watch it in the movies it looks so easy but my hand was screaming in pain, though it had its effect, but not for long. The glass cut into my flesh, around my thighs leaving an open and deep wound, that wasn't good. I was just about to try my luck again with punching.

"Amber open the door." The door rattled on its hinges. He was trying to break it down, that served as a big destruction to the both of us, she pushed herself form under me and headed straight for the open window. Even I knew no body was stupid enough to do that "do not jump,  you might get yourself-" another unearthly noise was heard, this time I heard more than just one bone cracking.

"Amber for crying out loud. Open this door." With more effort he could have broken down the door. I ran to the door, or more like I limped,  jumped ran to the door. He must have heard someone come from the other side because he moved away and waited for it to be opened, if not, he would have squashed me as he threw the door down.

It swung open, he was breathing hard, he took in the surroundings before looking at me, from my head to toes. Not checking out my body but to see if I was hurt, his eyes landed on my cheek that had received a very bad cut to my neck that had blackened into a purplish shade, to my hands that were scratched and bloody then to my thighs that had a lovely flow of blood running down.

He pulled me into a hug and that broke me because at that moment I cried. He didn't say anything he only stroked my hair and rubbed me around my back.

"Grab some clothes, you shouldn't stay here, I want you safe and with me." He wasn't looking at me. When I didn't move he spoke again this time with anger." Are you deaf? I said move! Grab some clothes and come with me. I am not going to spend and hour telling you this." I moved away from him but not to do his bidding.

"I do not need to go anywhere I am fine." He took a step forward and I took one back,  he tried again and I did the same, he ran his hand through his hair. "I need you safe, please Amber get some clothes and come with me. Isabelle was almost hurt today. She is in shock she needs you." And in a very low tune whispered  "I need you" when I looked at him he was looking at my thighs and the blood already settling down the floor,  how was I able to  stand?  I don't know.

I nodded and went straight into the other room, packing what I could all the while my mind went back to Isabelle, what could have happened.

"We didn't find anyone sir, we didn't find her. Either she has someone she is working with or she is hiding. Even after she jumped out the window her tracks and the blood we followed leads to a dead end, what do you want me to do sir?"

"Continue searching, continue looking for her and keep me informed. I want her found. " The man cleared his throat "sir don't you think you should report the to the authorities since she was your-." He was going to say something but I emerged out of the room a bag in hand and me leaning against the wall.

"Goodness." Was the man's exclamation as he rushed over to me, took my bag and helped to support me.

"Philip that will be all, take her bag and place it in my car, keep searching for her and keep me informed as to when Richard Henderson comes home." With that he took his place by my side, I was still leaning against he wall, my back to it, he stood in front of me and placed a light feathery kiss on my forehead. 

"I am sorry I put you all through this Amber. " He was going to say more. He wanted to say more. I could see the hesitation but he kept quiet.

"Who is she ?" I asked but he brushed it off with "let it not bother you she is no one."



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