Its Okay To Be Different

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Chapter 22. It's Okay To Be Different

PS Mikey is Alexa's cousin

Mikey up top

Alexa POV

"What the hell was that Alex!" Mikey blurted out of the blue on my way home.

Here I am in between Nathan and Mikey. Mikey keeps glaring at Nathan as Nathan pulls me closer to his side while gripping my hand not hard but just as a warning that he might jump my cousin.

Yup that living human with light brown locks, tan skin, hazel eyed, skinny figure is my cousin of 15 or 16ish years old. And guess what! There's another of him because they're twins. Yeah twice the pain in the ass.

"What." the word came out bluntly.

"That over there!" as soon as those words left his mouth I let go of Nate's hand and jogged forward looking side to side.

"What Michael-"

I look behind me to see both of them on the ground rolling around- God knows why- the cement.

This is going to be a long day.

* * * *

"So let me get this straight, Michael jumped him?" Dad said while raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah pretty much- NO!" I was cut off by Nate and Mikey shaking there heads no vigorously.

"Not sexually uncle." Mikey yelped.

"Uh huh, you know it's okay to be differe-"


"-nt." Dad finished.

I walked towards the love seat where Mikey was hunched over probably swearing. What can I say, it runs in the family!

I sit next to him and start patting his back softly.

"It's okay Michael nothing to be ashamed of." I mutter passionately.

"BUT I'M NOT GAY!" he burst.

"Ok ok, sheesh." I stand up and walk towards the kitchen were all the magical food is.

I open the fridge and hum This Girl Is On Fire by Alicia Keys.

My eyes skim the first level and they immediately stop at the most beautiful masterpiece known to man kind. Cake.

The chocolatey goodness sits there all alone waiting for lil 'ol me to do a mans job.

I carefully grab the plate where the masterpiece sits.

I get my index finger and stick it in the frosting. Pulling my finger out I put it in my mouth. My taste buds explode. Literally. I let out a moan of pleasure. Once its legal to marry food I know who's my first candidate.

I feel myself being pushed on the counter and arms develop my waist.

"You know you make it hard on me not to devour you right now in the kitchen." Nate's husky voice rings through my ears.

"I didn't know." I said breathlessly.

"Well now you do." he said taking my mouth into his.

It feels like it was only merely seconds that we kissed but I know it was more than that.

I pull away out of breath.

"Holy Sheldon"


Hello amigos! ...and Casper.

This chapter is reeeeeeaaalllllly short cause its sort of a filler.

Anyhoe who wants a Nathan in their life.

Cassie: Not me I want a Dylan O'Brien

Everybody wants one.

Cassie: Yada Yada I don't care.

Do we have to go over this again.

Cassie: Nope ;)

*crowd shivers*

You monster what did you do to my crowd!

Cassie: *leans in slowly* If I tell you I'd have to kill you *leans back slowly*

Ok... Vote! Comment! Tell me what you think.

Song above: Riptide by Vance Joy -Acoustic-


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