I am no idiot

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-*-Alexa on the right...

Chapter 1. I am no idiot

Alexa's POV

"Alex! Alex! Alex!" yelled my 6 year old brother Max.

"Mmm" I answered groggily.

"Guess what day it is!"


"No shilly its Halloween!''

"You mean as day we get free candy from strangers." I said opening my eyes and rubbing them with my hands. This day was a very special day because we get candy from complete strangers that could be murders for all we know.

"No you idiot Ha-low-ween!" said Max opening his mouth big then small when he said Halloween.

Ha he's talking to me like a 5 year old- Wait did he just call me an idiot!

Hell No.

"I am no idiot!"


Then I looked around and saw that the kiddo left me talking to myself.

I grumbled and checked to my left were my clock is to see what time it is.




I quickly got my skinny jeans and white a tee. I would never go outside in autumn wearing shorts. I took a shower yesterday night so no need to take a shower now if I want. I put my black and white converse.

I tied my curly brown hair in a pony tail.

10 more minutes.

Any other day I wouldn't care but today was my last day in school after Halloween, which means on Friday I have no school because of teachers meeting.

So I had a huge prank planned for my least favorite teacher Mrs. Brayton and principle Mr. Walt.

I got my book bag from the floor and ran downstairs to see my mom and dad kissing. Ew! In the kitchen.

I'll never see the kitchen the same way.

"PDA mom and dad. God you have a room upstairs for two reasons! To dress up and sleep and this thing you're doing is not aloud anywhere." I yelped. My poor innocent eyes.

My mom jumped out of dads hold and blushed while dad just shook his head looking highly amused.

"Bye honey." my dad said kissing my forehead.

"Eh dad!" I shrieked in disgust.

He just smirked and left to his job.

I went straight to the cupboard and got six plastic wraps and three rolls of tape for my prank.

And most importantly a bag of skittles. They were left over from what my mom and dad planned to give away.

I strolled out of the kitchen to the living room where my mom strolled in circles looking for something.

"Where's Max? He owes me a waffle for tricking me into believing he was still there while I talked. Do you know how crazy I must've seem?"

As soon as I said that she chuckled whilst shaking her head.

"What's so funny" I asked mom stepping away cautiously.

"Only you hon, only you." mom says chuckling now.

I grumbled.

"Now chop chop you're going be late for school!" Mom said as Max came in the kitchen.


"No buts"

I left the living room and walked out the door to walk to school. It was only a boring five minute walk last time.


A car stops and out jumps a cheerleader in the tightest pants I ever seen! How do their legs survive such conspiracy.

And right after the cheerleader jumps out a jock. He stood right behind her looking quite exasperated.

"H-how could you!"she all but screams.

"Because I can and I will." He snarled.

As you can see most of my school's jocks are well messed up and on there man period every damn day.

I rolled my eyes and walked by.

The jock pays attention to the girl walking by, meaning  me, totally ignoring the shrieking chick.

End of flashback

Ha you should have seen her face. Priceless.

I walk inside school and look for my friends Charlie and Cassie.

Hmm where- *humph*

I crashed into a wall. Nope not a wall. Walls don't have chests.

I look up and see...a Greek god.

Ah f*ck

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