Holy Fiddlesticks (Also Known As El Fin)

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Chapter 29. Holy Fiddlesticks (Also known As El Fin)

Dress Alexa wears
• (time lapse)

Alexa POV

I sit on the kitchen stool while eating my scrambled eggs with toast and sausage. I swing my feet back and forth like a child.

Eh screw it I'm still a young tulip.

"You like your breakfast?"Nate questions while stealing my toast. Bastard.

"Yup now skitter off my boy and stop eating my toast."

"Nah I'm good love." he murmured hugging me.

Seriously does he have an obsession with me. Everywhere I go he has to be there and at least hold my hand. I mean dude, I get it you're a wolf, you have a soul mate with "unmated" males around her and you oh so cautiously scare them off cause its your duty, but lay off a bit.

"So what's Daniel boy been up to." I start while munching on the piece of toast that looked very lonely.

"I don't know, why are you asking? He's just my third in command, nothing fucking special." he glared.

Well what crawled up his ass and died there?

"Since I'm such a non dramatic
woman I'm not even gonna fight back... Bastardo." I huffed as he slumped his figure.

"I'm sorry ok. I'm just agitated, not by you of course. Well to be sincere its not only me Nico has been restless these passed few weeks. Its just-" he lowered his gaze.

"-touching your hand or holding you has become dangerous, yet I still find myself doing it. Funny huh. I can't seem to control Nico a-and well he wants- we want to at least mark you so males know you're mine and only mine. I don't like sharing." He growled out the last part as he straightened up.

"I- I..." I mumble feeling joy swell inside of me.

"Don't sweat it, anyway today I have a surprise for you." He sighed changing the subject.

"Nathan I-"

"Don't ok, let's just let's go." He muttered standing up abruptly.

"I'll wait for you outside, I'm going home to shower and change I'll be back in 10."

The door shut quietly.

"I want you to mark me."

* * *

I take a quick shower and change into undies and a bra. I quickly put on a pair of black joggers and a plain white v neck. I tie the laces of my sneaks and let my hair air dry.

I make my way down stairs and on the way I grab my phone, wallet, and a sweater.

I swing the door open and find Nate's back facing me. I close the door and wait until he turned. He didn't. "Nate you alright." I question. Silence is all I got.

I wrap my arms around him and feel him slightly flinch before going limp.

"When did you show up." he murmured turning around.

"Not long ago."

"Good, lets go."

I follow right behind him, but he wasn't having any of that. He slowed down and when I reached him he put his arm around my shoulders pulling me to him.

"Hey, what's wrong." I asked as he zoned out once again.

"Hmm, oh nothing just thinking."

I analyze his composure but it won't give anything away.
I shrug it off and start walking with his arm on my shoulder.

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