Greedy Bastard

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Chapter 20. Greedy Bastard

Nathan's POV

I stare at Blake blankly. "Soo..." he muttered cracking his knuckles.

"I have a bat and I'm not afraid to use it. Just tell me when and where." he said smiling towards me as he talked with Oliver.

"No, Blake... at least not yet." Oliver says whispering the last part under his breath.

"Excuse me-" I start but was interrupted by Blake.

"You're excused" he smirked cheekily.

I let out a long growl before finishing what I was saying.

"...I'm going to Alex's room."

"Door open and two feet away from her bed, clear Nathan." Oliver says before smiling a bit and leaving the living room.

"You heard him pup, now pardon me as I walk away into the shadows. With that said he left and I climbed up the stairs towards my mate's room.

Entering the room I'm enveloped with Alex's scent. I gradually take a large deep breathe of her scent. My drug...
I get closer to the clump that's on the bed and start thinking of this stressful day. Alex gets kidnapped to fulfill an Alpha mate's wish. I save her the same day. I kiss her. I tell her my secret. I find that there's two rouges in my land. Those two rouges are my mate's dad and uncle. Stressful? Yes. I take off my shirt off and join my mate. I wrap my arms around her little waist and pull her closer to me. I nestle my chin on her head as I close my eyes.

One thought still in my mind if her father caught me now.

"Door open and two feet away from her bed, clear Nathan."


Alexa POV

I awake with warmth surrounding me. Ah shit did I pee my self? Nope, no wet butt. Hmm I feel a strange pressure on my tummy and waist. Am I on my period?

~Have you checked under the covers to see what it is?~

Zephyr retorts sarcastically.


I look under the covers to find a pair of nice firm arms. I look down to see if I was really seeing arms. I trail my eyes up to see a toned chest. Next the face of this douche. Apparently it's a guy that looks like Nathan. I look closer to see... Holy guacamole this is Nathan. Flashes of yesterday come barreling to my brain. He's a werewolf. An Alpha meaning a leader. Me? ...his mate and Luna.

A sizzling sound interrupts my thoughts as I smell in deeply... Bacon!

I start to try to wiggle free from his grip. But instead of loosing it tightens.

...Greedy bastard! My bacon babies are calling my name. Let go you Oaf!

I shove him off and he lands in the floor with a loud thump. Dude you gotta lay off the tacos.

I sprint to the kitchen to find mom cooking and Max sitting in one if the stools swinging his legs drinking milk.

"Hey midget." I say to Max as I mess up his hair.

"Hay is for horses." Blake mutters as he sits next to Max starts sipping Max's milk.

"Hey! That's my milk!" Max pouts.

"I'll say it one more time kid, hay is for horses." Blake murmurs rubbing his temples.

Max just stays there silent giving Blake the stink eye.

Hmm someone is territorial... About their milk.

A frantic pair of footsteps came downstairs. I ignore it, probably Dad barely smelling the sweet smell of bacon.

Arms immediately put around my waist as I turn my head to find a shirtless Nathan. "Don't scare me like that." he mumbled on my neck. I raise an eyebrow clearly confused. What the hell did I do! "What did I do it was Caspar Lee! I swear!" I yelp as he pulls me closer towards him.

"Before you leave somewhere even if to the bathroom let me know." He stated.

"You sound like an overly attached girlfriend." I said.

He just shrugged and took me off my seat before sitting himself then me on his lap.

My mom smiled and placed a plate of scrambled eggs and toast with bacon on the side. All for me and me only. I stuff my mouth with food and swallow as I catch a hand trying to steal my bacon.

I slap the hand away before turning and waving my index finger in 'no'.

"I'm hungry." Nate whined.

"Not my problem."

Blake is suffering from a hangover while dad is watching me closely as a hawk. Maybe it's because I got kidnapped. Maybe...

Eh either way he won't let me go to the living room without questioning me where I'm going. Mom she just won't let me go out to late or alone. Days have passed since seeing Cassie or Charlie. Even though Nate says they're fine. Nate he... He's more possessive. I talked to him about that and he said it was natural for a male to be 'protective' especially an Alpha. He also said something about a mark, but when I asked him about it he tinged pink before changing the subject. Nate visits me everyday and when he gets the chance he'd kiss me. Like full blown kiss lips touching!.. I don't mind no not at all but I'm just confused. What are we? I know we are mates but are we dating? Am I his girlfriend? What are we?! Ugh boys are confusing...

"Ms. Cole am I boring you!" a shrieking voice shouted.


He turned red and exploded, "PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE! NOW!"

I hop off of my stool and stuff my text books in my book bag and put on my black beanie. "Later young spongebobs and-" I stare at the teacher and finish my sentence.               "-Squidward."

I slam the door and walk down the halls. "You change you're mind like a girl changes clothes yeah you PMS like a b*tch I would know Cause you're hot and you're cold you're yes then you're no you're in and you're out its up when its down I'm wrong when its right black when its white... We fight we break up we kiss we make up. you're hot and you're cold you're yes then you're no you're in and you're out its up when its down I'm wrong when its right black when its white." I sing bored.

"Well if it isn't Cole! What did you do now." Tristan a jock mocked.

"Two words... F*ck you." I said walking past him. He grabs my elbow and pulls me back to the same place. "It takes two to tango" he said smirking.

I look up to the sky and mutter under my breath, "Why are jocks so annoying!" I look at Tristan to see he moved closer. I look behind me to find lockers. Oh. Hell. No. Bucko! I quickly clench my fist and punch him in his abdomen as he reaches down to hold his stomach I elbow his back and as he retracts upwards I step on his foot hard.

"Needy Bastard." I retort going towards the office.

Entering the office-hmm no secretary- I walk in the principals office and don't knock. What I see there has scarred me for life.


So a quick update. I think either way I updated cause 1. I had all this in my head 10 hours ago... yeah.

Song up there: Out of My Limit by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Next chapter there will be Charlie Aaron Hayden and Cassie POV so it will be a long chapter




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