"Well why not knock down two birds with one stone huh."

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Nina up top

Chapter 27. "Well why not knock down two birds with one stone huh."

Alexa POV

"That was a sad movie!" Sydney frowned.

"Psh, it was entertaining for the most part... I think." I frowned too, befuddled.

"Lex why did his brother die." Nina pouted.

"It was his time, I guess." I put out lightly.

I couldn't just say he got killed by attacking a bear. It would scare her until she has a phobia of bears.
Cue in shudder.

"Just like mommy and daddy Syd!"

I swear a part of me cracked. Sydney nodded while looking down.

I stare at Nina, such innocence.

"I'm sorry Syd." I mutter as her shoulders shake.

"I-it's fine."

My response was sharp and serious, "No it's not "fine". Syd I know you're hurting, c'mere."

I walk up to her and hug her tightly.
She cries in my shoulder as I rub her back. "When."

"H-half a year ago i-its been a-along time." She muses dryly.

"No matter how long it was the pain is still fresh."

She didn't respond but cried in my shoulder. a few minutes later she looked much calmer. "You okay." I said using the voice I usually use on Max when he would get hurt.
She shakes her head in yes.

"I know what will make you feel better! It always works for me." I yelp as I search the fridge.

Nope cupcakes... damn.

"On second thought how about ramen noodles."

I search for ramen noodles and I find Kale... freak'n Kale! "Seriously what else am I gonna find! Broccoli!" I whine and surely enough the green tree veggie stared at me.

* * *

"Awe you coming back tomowwo." Nina pouted as she blinked sleep away.

"Maybe kiddo depends if Nate isn't on his man period." I tell her truthfully.

"Hmm g'night." with that said she closed her eyes.

I look at her peaceful state.

"You're a wonderful Luna, you know." A husky voice breathed down on my ear. Arms wrapped around my waists and a prickly chin rested on my shoulder.

"I know."

"I'm glad you are my mate. You're all I never expect you to be and I love it. I love you." Nate whispered as he pecked my shoulder.

"I love you too even though Derek has a fine ass." I whisper back a smirk creeping on my lips.

"I have a finer ass."

* * *

I close the front door and walk towards the living room. A groan was heard following a string of curse words.

"Stay still Blake." My dad's voice rang in there.

"Hey what's wrong- Whoa, what happened to Blake." I gasp as I see a beat up Blake on the couch.
To describe it... pleasantly? he looked worse than those beat up guys in action movies, possibly worse than the Joker.

"He got ambushed by... bad guys." Dad frowned avoiding my gaze.

Insert in lie detector mode.

"Oliver stop beating around the fucken bush lets at least tell her." Blake groaned as dad "accidentally" pressured the wound.

"No- I can't- she'll hate me." dad growled, literally.

"Fine... Alexa we're werewolves." Blake grunted.

"You, you! Fucken cunt! Piece a shit! Son of a-"
Blake snarled as Dad literally stabbed him with the needle he was using to stitch him up.

Werewolves, seriously!

What should I say, I know my boyfriend is one. No not gonna work.
Cool? Nope.

Then it all clicked, revenge!

I'll pretend to not understand like those cliche movies -twilight I think-.

"I-I don't understand." I feigned confusion.

"How do you-? You know, werewolves? Humans that can turn into a 'dog'." Blake sarcastically spat out the word dog.

"But- they don't exist! You guys better not be pooping me." I stutter. Man I should become an actress.

Blake looks mildly annoyed while my dad looks in a mixture of anger and fear.

"Fine show me." I put on my fake I-am-really-scared-but-I'm-willing-to-try-this-out-for-the-sake-of-my-amusement.

"I can't so its all up to you old man." Blake sighed as he poked his freshly made stitch.

I stare at my dad as he muttered nonsense under his breath.

He takes his shirt off and starts unbuckling.

"Ok! Fuck please stop I'm gonna have nightmares now Oliver." I whine covering my eyes not expecting that.

A bunch of cracks later a very big "dog" stood in front of where my dad used to stand. Well they weren't shitting me.

A loud scream rang through the house followed by a thud of paws.

There crawled my mom away from my dad as he tried to get closer to her in wolf form might I add.

"Well why not knock down two birds with one stone huh." Blake said nonchalantly as he poked his stitch.


Tsk tsk Blake not the best words to say.

I mean what's bloody wrong with you.

Anyway changing subject. I just noticed something.
On the description it says location right. Yeah and instead of putting where I lived I put unicorn land I think.

Unicorn land! Aren't Unicorns always horny!
Yeah I don't wanna live there even if its not realistically.

So that might be why I haven't update.
I'm thinking of were to move.

Two more chapters man and its done. Might include an epilogue. I don't know.

Anyhoe who's gone out of you state or city to visit another state or city! I know I haven't! Sad I know.

Met this girl late last year she told don't you worry if I disappear I told her I'm not really looking for another mistake called an old friend thinking the trouble would wait then I jump right here a week later return I reckon she was only looking for a lover to burn but I gave her my time for two or three nights then I put her on pause until the moment was right I went away for months until our paths crossed again she told me I wasn't looking for a friend maybe you can swing by my room around ten baby bring a lemon and a bottle of gin we'll be in between the sheets till late am baby if you wanted me than you should've just said I'm singing ah la la la la-

Do you guys know who sings this!

I do!


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