Egging Houses and Toilet Papering Trees = JAIL

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Rosie on the side.....


Chapter 5. Egging Houses and Toilet Papering = JAIL

Alexa POV


"Nate?" he answered amused.

"Yup Nate. Nathan is a handful."

"Hmm continue."

"Well I don't usually do this but uh do you wannabemypartnerinvandalism.'' I said in a hurry.

"Huh? Speak slower Alex."

"Do you wanna be my partner in vandalism." When I said that a light blush was on my cheeks.

He just grinned and said, "I'll be honored."

I looked to my left to at least cover well try to cover my blush. As I look I see a blushing 4 year old girl and a grinning Max.

"Nice kid nice." I whispered into Max's ear.

He just huffs but you can see his happiness in his eyes.

"So what time?" asks Nate.

"Come by at 11pm. Yeah."

He smiles and says, "So where do we meet?"

"Oh uh come by at my house its gonna be the brown beige one." I said giving him my house's direction on his phone.

"Can I have your number too in case uh... I get lost?" he said making it sound more like a question.

I decided to tease him a bit.

"Lets put it like that."


"You could of said you wanted it with out making excuses and I'd still give it to you."


"Yeah oh"

I felt tugging on my hoodie to see Max.

"What up kid."

"Can we trick-or-treat with Rosie." he said with hope in his eyes.

"Uh I don't know if its OK-" I was cut off with an over excited "Yes".

I looked at Nate and said, "Are you sure-"

"I said yes"

I just rolled my eyes. Demanding much.

We were walking everywhere pretty soon I was tired.

"Hurry up Alex we want more candy!" whined my not so cool brother.

"But I'm tired!"

"Suck it up." said Nate.

I glared at him. He was in front of me when my idea clicked.

He could give me a piggy back ride!

I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Humph" he said then grabbing my thighs.


"Sooo." He mimicked.

"You are very light you should eat more." he said after an awkward silence.

"Nuh uh I eat junk food every hour and then eat the food that my mom and dad make."

"Sure you do... you weigh like a feather."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment because you are suckish at compliments."

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