Sure And Dolphins Masturbate

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Chapter 14. Sure And Dolphins Masturbate

Cassie POV

"DON'T BREAK EVEN EVEN EVEN!" I sang as Salvatore eyes stared at the foresty road emotionless. "Heh Foresty...Foresty!.. FORESTY!-"

"Shut up!" said an aggravated Chris. A growl erupted from Salvatore eyes. Take that Christy! I mean Chris!

"DON'T, tell your Luna to shut up... YOU GOT ME!" snarled Salvatore eyes.

Poor Salvatore eyes has to have a tempered henchman. *sigh* I would even- Wait a minute why am I not doing anything to them! I'm just sitting here singing to the radio while they could be plotting my death in their heads... Oh yeah. "HELP HELP HELP KIDNAP! KIDNAP!" I scream.

I hear a chuckle to see Salvatore eyes right next to me watching me in amusement. How? What? When? I thought he was driving.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask truly confused.

"You barely start shouting when no one can hear you sweet cheeks." He murmurs staring at me lovingly.

Right next to him is the box of Oreos that Chris wouldn't let me get. I stare at Salvatore eyes unsure before I lean over him and grab the box. I let out a surprise squeal when I feel two hands on my waist pulling me towards a chest. I sit still on his lap my heart thumping. The hands still on my waist I hear him whisper in my ear his warm breath giving me goosebumps. "I like this very much how about you sweet cheeks." His chest rumbling in some kind of purr. I'm loss in words. I JUST wanted Oreos! Is that a lot to ask. I felt some kind of pleasure. Ew, yucky thoughts.


He smiles a smirk before resting his chin on my shoulder his face showed love, amusement, and softness. Okay let me be the first to say this... This is the FIRST time I'm serious.

Opening the packet of Oreos and trying to calm my thumping heart I look at the front window. Picking up an Oreo...Oreo! Using both hands I break the dark chocolaty goodness and see the vanilla center. Licking it like a 5 year old would I closed the cookie... before I could put it in my mouth I noticed something. WHY DON'T I HAVE MILK!

Hayden POV

Before she put the cookie in her mouth she abruptly stopped. She stared at the cookie sadly. ~Mate sad. Help mate! Must help Mate!~

That put me in alert. "What's wrong baby." I say worriedly.

"There's no milk." She's said in a soft mutter.

"We're almost home where there's milk."

"Really!" She chirped all sadness gone.


"We're having a sleep over with out Chris right."

"Yes a sleep over with out Chris." I said. A very long sleepover my love.


Getting in the pack house was... interesting?

My little mate thought that it would be amusing to clutch onto me while sticking her lovely tongue out at my Beta, while saying I preferred her over him. Clearly I enjoyed this because I got to carry my mate without her neglecting my touch.

Not so much on Chris. He lost his mate in the war we had with rouges. Ever since he hasn't felt anything for anger and numbness. Having an angry Beta all the time and now finding my troublesome mate that I will admit fell over knees for is going to be tiring.

"What's your name? I'm getting tired of calling you Salvatore eyes." my mate asked.

"Hayden princess, my names Hayden."

"I like it. It fits you, Names Cassie... Now about my milk!" she said her chin still on my shoulder not that I minded. God no, I'm still carrying her feeling my skin touch hers.

My hands wrapped securely around her lower waist while her feet wrapped on my torso. Her tiny arms strapped tightly on my neck. She pulls away after I got the milk cartoon and a glass. "My turn!" she chirped what so ever. Her delicate hands holding the milk cartoon while I hold the glass. Cassie sticking her tongue while tippy toeing over the high granite counter. Once she's done She gets a cookie and dips it in there before giving it a satisfying crunch. "Want one. They are way better than Chips Ohoy."

"Sure and dolphins masturbate." I sarcastically state.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated." She said before stuffing an Oreo in my mouth.

I gawk at her.

"Oh and by the way dolphins DO masturbate."

Alex POV

It's been weeks since we've seen Cassie. I miss her. Everyone does. Nate has helped me through my emotional cries. He's turned more protective ever since the hang out and the night Cassie got kidnapped.


"So can we go now." I state exasperated as Nate has a glare show down with my dad.

"Yeah." he said after my dad blinked.

"I'll go wait in the car." I mutter.

So you might be wondering how the Hell- Yes the mystical spiritual place- we got caught. Well someone thought it would be grand to make as much noise as they could specifically when I told them not to. Men. *shakes head*

Hearing the car door open and close I see a pale looking Nate.

"Spill Stone." I say grinning totally amused by this.


I gave him a raised eyebrow.

"He threatened my manhood."

I chocked over air and started laughing. "This is serious Alexa! There won't be little you's or me's running around." He gravely said.

"What makes you think I'm letting you deflower me." I snort.

"Many things kitten many things."

"Name 2 things." I said sarcastically.

Cassie POV

I'm homesick. I want my mom and dad *sniffle*... And Alex and Cha- Charlie.

"I wanna go home." I cry on Hayden's chest.

"You are home."

"No I m-miss my mommy and dad. Alex and Charlie too. Why can't I leave" I sobbed.

"I c-can't... not yet."

"Will you b-bring them Alex and Charlie i-if not my parents... P-Please Hayden!"

"Sh sh sh...I promise okay. Please don't cry it hurts."

I nodded my head on his chest while I tried calming down.

Hayden's POV

-Chris get the van ready. Get Kevin and Vincent. You are going to kidnap Alexa Wesley Cole and Charlie Ver Neven...-


Sorry for the change of POVs. Please send feedback if you still want more Cassie and Charlie.

Thank you guys for over 400 reads. It means a lot.


The effing hell woman you busted my eardrum.


Gah what's wrong.


Uh well... You're special!

Cassie- OH, REALLY!

Er yeah


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