"Sweetheart Are You PMSing?"

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Chapter 12. "Sweetheart Are You PMSing?"


Now THIS IS Aaron

Sorry for the mix up...

Charlie POV

I feel sad. Something is missing in my life. I feel like there's a hole in my heart that can't be filled without something. Wow that sounded deep.

Eh Alex is rubbing on me.

I shudder.

I hear a wounded howl in the distance. Wolves live hear?

I look around my room, it's about 3ish in the morning. My house is on the edge of the forest. Well my backyard is the forest.

The logical side of my head wanted me to ignore the sound. While the other side wanted to find the wolf and see what's wrong.

Am I trying to get KILLED! Its a wolf Charlie!

The wolf howled even more. I couldn't go to sleep now.

I don't know what came over me but I put on a jumper and converse. I climbed out my window with my trusty flashlight. Landing on the grassy floor with a soft 'thump' I started walking straight to the forest determined. I walked deeper into the forest getting closer to the howls. I tried not to make any noise. Stopping I heard pants from an animal coming closer.

Charlie what are you doing! You are going to straight into the wolf's mouth. Quite literally may I add. I looked around to find myself lost. The pants were coming closer. I turned around and ran. Stupid Charlie.

There was a quiet growl through out the forest. The growl was VERY close.

I kept running not once turning around to the paw steps or low growls right behind me. But as they say curiosity killed the cat I turned around. Right behind me was a huge gray wolf with blue eyes.

I abruptly stopped facing the wolf's eyes. It was pretty dark but his blue eyes lit up a bit the forest. A chill ran up my spine. Blue eyes like blueberries. I snapped out of it after I heard a twig snap. I looked up at the wolf who was stalking closer. Backing away slowly till my back I hit a tree I slid down breathing hard. I heard a snarl. I whimpered and stopped stepping back. The wolf's eyes softened but never left mine. He kept walking towards me until he was just in front of me.. He opened his mouth so I immediately clenched my eyes in fear. Today is the day I die. I well never get to say bye to my family again.

Something wet and rough touched my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes to find the wolf licking my cheek affectionately. It stopped and looked at me saying 'your move'. I grinned I wasn't going to die today! I cautiously pulled my hand up and scratched the wolfs head. He let out a purr. The purr made me feel warm and tingly. In my other hand I in clenched the flashlight.

I stopped scratching him and took deep breaths trying to calm my beating heart. The wolf that I am now calling Grey tilted his head before he laid down next to me and put his head in my lap. I put both my hands on him. One scratching behind his ear and the other smoothing out his fur. Soft purrs made way in my ears. My eyes drooped closed. The last thing I heard was a growl and foot steps.

Aaron POV

~Mate likes me!~ Was the first thing I heard my wolf say in hours beside sounds he made. She was all mine. Mine. I liked it. A lot. I'm glad I gave Ashton control...I smelled my mate answering my howls by coming to me. ~Mate likes me!~ Kept yelping Ashton in joy. She accepted us by not running away. She accepts us. Mine mate. Charlie's soft snores were relaxing. I loved how her hands are smooth and gentle when they are pressed against fur.

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