14. Surprised

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I hummed cheerfully as I pick colorful decorations. I don't know how I will break the news to Armin but I figured that putting a little effort will be nice. I picked a pastel pink box and purple, pink, and pastel blue decorations. When I am already done picking things out, I went to the cashier to pay. It was surprisingly a bit cheaper. I left the store and went directly home, I mean it's just a walking distance from Mika's house. There are a lot of stores near her home.

When I opened the door, I was shocked to see Eren and Mikasa casually hanging out on the living room. Just two weeks ago? ( I am not sure ), she was crying because she is uncertain. Maybe they've fixed their problem now. And maybe Eren used some magic spell on Mikasa. I mean, who knows?

"Eh? What're you holding?" Eren asked and I hid the paper bag behind me. "Ooh, Annie is planning to shift careers? That's nice! I will be your first customer." He said and put his attention back to the television.

"No, you dumbass." I said with a low voice and went to the guest room so I can get things done already.

"I heard you! You could've said no without calling me a dumbass. Tho, it's true!" I heard Eren shout from the living room. I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes. Maybe this is why Mikasa is uncertain about him all he knows to do is whine and whine and complain, I thought to myself. I sat on the chair in front of the desk and took all of the things from the paper bag.

"Shit, I just realized I bought too much." I bit my lower lip and slightly scratched my nape. "It's okay, Annie. You can use it for other purposes. Don't worry, your money will not go to waste." I started to decorate the outer part of the box. I put some cute stickers and glitters and gems to make it cute. I feel very happy right now while doing this. It just looks cute to me, but maybe trashy to him. Now I feel worried.

I decorated the inner part and put the two sticks inside ( I kept the other one ). He needs other proofs in case he doesn't believe me. Well, he should believe me, I won't joke about something serious like this.

When I am done decorating, I looked at the box and observed it properly. My eyes widened and felt a bit down because of how messy it turned out to be. It should've been a gift but it looks like a cursed box disguised as a child's work. Hell, a child's work is even better than this!

"Never mind." I said and started to clean up. I never thought that I will really make some effort for a thing like this. But if it's for Astra Maeve and Armin, then I will always do everything for them. I smiled while I held the pregnancy test I kept. "I am sure he'll love Astra Maeve...I hope he'll love her." I took my phone and dialed Armin's number to tell him I'll go at our house. And as usual, he instantly picked it up.

"Min, where are you right now?" I asked.

"I am at home. Vanessa's still here. I honestly thought she'll leave yesterday." He said. I know he's keeping his voice low because Vanessa might hear him. "Why? Do you want us to meet up? She'll leave later tonight."

"Then I will go there later tonight. Wait for me, okay? I will just show up at your door." I told him. I smiled when I heard his chuckle. I am so used to hearing that. Now, I want him to sing for me. I want to hear his voice.

"Sure. I'll see you later, schatz. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Bye, Min." I said and ended the call.

This is it...he'll still love me the same, right?

I lied down on the bed and covered myself with a comfy blanket before I doze off to my afternoon nap.

~ • ~

"Annie!" I heard a voice call out my name so I slowly opened my eyes to be welcomed by darkness. I opened the lamp beside me and checked the time on my phone. It's already 6:36PM, and I am still lying here lazily. I stood up from the bed and opened the door. "Girl, stop being such a lazy ass. I get it you're pregnant but you still haven't eaten. Should we buy some food? Do you have any cravings?" She asked.

"I will go to Armin's. Remember?" I reminded her and she nodded. "I have to take a bath and get ready. Thank you for the offer, tho. I will make it up to you. Love you!" I said and she smiled.

"Love you too." She said and went to her room. I closed and the door and opened the closet. I chose a simple black oversized cardigan, a white cami cropped top, and straight leg jeans. I decided pair it with my black Dr. Martens. I laid my outfit on the bed and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Once I am done, I dried myself up with a towel and dressed up. I blow-dried my hair and tied it up in a messy bun. I took my bag and brought the extra PT with me. I bid my goodbye to Mikasa and called a taxi.

A taxi stopped in front of me and I hopped in. I told the driver the address and scrolled through my gallery. It is filled with pictures of me and Armin together. Soon, it will not be just Armin and me. It will be me, Armin, and our Astra Maeve. I am sure of that. There is even a video of Armin singing 'Yellow' by Coldplay. I smiled when he suddenly kissed my lips in the video which caused the phone to fall.

I didn't realize the taxi has stopped until the driver spoke.

"Ma'am. We're already here." He said. I paid and hopped outside the car. He dropped me off somewhere near the house. It's a sequestered area and there are few houses and many plants. I took out the box and held it carefully with my two hands. My lips formed a happy curve when I opened it a bit. But then I closed it again.  I stopped when I noticed I am already in front of the house. The window is open and the kitchen is visible.

I thought I will only see the kitchen from here but I saw my fiancee, locking lips with another woman. Tears started to fall, my heart is beating so fast due to mixed emotions, my whole body is shaking. I turned my back on them and I walked away.

But then, I heard the door open and I felt a strong grip on my arm. I faced him and he cupped my cheeks. I bit my lower lip as I try to stop myself from crying, from looking weak.

"I thought I'll be the one who will surpise you, but Armin, you surprised me." I cried. He pulled me closer and hugged me tight. His hug was tighter than any hug he has given me. I dropped the box on the floor and cried on his chest.

"Schatz, it's not what you're thinking. It's not it." His voice is shaking, he sounds like he is on the verge of crying.

"I don't care anymore what happened, or how and why you did that. I only want to know one thing. Just one thing, Armin." I pushed him away, causing him to release me from the hug. I wiped my tears and gulped.

"Armin, is it still me?"

~ • ~

Chapter Fourteen, done. Thank you for reading!

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