18. Front-page

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Days passed and you can really tell that Armin isn't excited about my pregnancy.

He bought ten fucking books about pregnant women and what to do when you're expecting and when the baby is out.

He bought three pregnancy pillows for me, which I really love.

He watches videos of yoga for pregnant women.

And now, he is unboxing the baby clothes he bought. He is even humming a happy tone and clapping. I can tell that he is humming a nursery rhyme. Then my suspicion was confirmed when he sang about a bus that's going around town. He's weird. He's more pregnant than me.

"Baby, you do realize that we still have seven months to go, right? Why are you suddenly buying too much clothes for the baby?" I asked, trying to hide my annoyance. I just don't get why he splurges too much money when we are literally uncertain about the baby's gender.

"These are unisex, don't worry---look at this dress. It looks so cute. This is what she will wear at her first photoshoot." He said excitedly and showed me a cute purple dress with little white and flower details. I smiled and sat beside him on the floor. I wrapped my arms around his waist and moved my head closer to his neck to inhale his scent. "Why are you suddenly sniffing me, baby?" He asked.

"Baby? I am not baby. You call me schatz, not baby. I am not baby. That's not my name." I frowned and released him from my hug. He laughed and grabbed me closer to him. He planted kisses on my neck and smiled against my skin.

"I am sorry. You just look like a big baby. Now, I am worried because I have to go back to work soon. The day after tomorrow, I have a magazine shoot. Then the day after that, an endorsement shoot. Then an interview. Then next week, we might go back to filming soon. How can I take care of you?" He asked worriedly.

"You forgot that I am your make-up artist." I said and faced him.

"I will only tire you. You're not allowed to get tired because you are pregnant. The doctor told you that. You'll get tired then your next bleeding won't be just a normal bleeding. It could lead to miscarriage." He scolded me. I cupped his cheeks and pulled his face closer to mine until our lips touched. We closed our eyes and held each other tightly. I knelt down instead and he held my waist for support.

"I might crush our little bean, schatz." He said in between of our kisses but I shook my head and kept on feverishly kissing him. It's just funny how worried he is about our little bean but he still kept on returning my kisses.

His hands slowly went up from my waist to my breasts. He cupped them and I instantly flinched, causing our kiss to break. "I am sorry! I didn't mean to hold you so hard. I am just excited. I am sorry, schatz." He apologized and looked down. Now he's making me feel guilty that I even dared to flinch.

"I'm sorry. It just hurts. And no, it's not so hard, my breasts are just a bit more sensitive right now. Don't worry, you didn't hurt me. I am okay." I lifted his chin and planted a small kiss on his lips. "Shall we look through the clothes you splurged your money on?" I suggested and he nodded.

~ • ~

Armin right now, is having a zoom meeting with his manager and the whole production team of his new movie with Vanessa. They're probably dicussing about the continuation of the filming. I stirred the coffee and put the cup in a small plate before putting it in the tray beside the plate of butter toast I made for him.

I carried it up to the door of the bedroom. I was about to knock but then I heard Armin's voice. He sounds scary and he's talking about something related to getting caught?

"I was being careful." He coldly said. I held onto the tray tightly, can't decide if I should knock or should I just let him be for the moment. I almost dropped the tray when I heard him talk again. "What should I do? I will make my own statement. I won't deny my fiancee. I don't want to deny her." He said, he sounds like he is on the verge of crying. I went back to the kitchen and placed the tray on the counter.

Don't blame me. I heard him say 'fiancee' so I am basically a part of that conversation, right? Confusion is still clouding my thoughts. Why would he make a statement? I stood in front of the door and continued to eavesdrop.

"You just made it into the front-page, Armin Arlert. Not because of something good, but because of a dating scandal. You should've waited until next year!" I heard someone say. My heart sank and it also skipped a beat. I stood frozen, trying to process what that person said. Dating scandal? Why is he...

We were caught?

"I won't deny her if that's what you want. Let me do what I want just for once. Cancel the movie project if you want, I don't care anymore. Let the endorsements back down, I don't care. Just let me do it my way this time." I heard Armin say. Tears started streaming down my face when I noticed tbe hint of sadness and pain in his voice.

He's finally telling the world, I should be happy right? I tried to make myself feel better. I am already bringing him down. I am already making him face the same fate as my Mom. I am hurting Armin already. I can wait a little bit longer. I can stay in the shadows forever as long as he won't lose anything, I am fine with everything.

I didn't notice that I have been standing in front of the door for minutes already while crying. Fuck these hormones. I only remembered I was eavesdropping when I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped me around in their warmth.

"I should be the one hugging you. I am sorry, Armin." I said.

"Please don't open your social media accounts. And why are you sorry? Nothing is your fault. I can handle it well." He smiled. "I should be the one who's sorry. I put you through my mess. Let's take a nap? I am so tired." He asked and I nodded. I stepped inside the bedroom and closed the door behind me. He lied down on the bed and I only sat beside him, slightly playing with his hair.

"I don't deserve you, Armin." I whispered.

"I don't care if you're the worst, I'll still love you anyways." He said before he completely dozed off to sleep. I kissed his forehead and sneakily took my cellphone from the nighstand. I opened my Twitter and an article about him was the first one I saw.

'Actor Armin Arlert Reportedly Dating An Anonymous Girl'

~ • ~

Chapter Eighteen, done. Thank you for reading!

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