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Footsteps was all he heard. Him and the boys were running in the middle of the night. He looked up and saw the bright sky, he saw the moon and the stars. He then looked in front of him, it was dark and he was surrounded by danger.

The boy wished he could live in the sky. In that enlightened other world. A place where he could live in peace. He turned around and looked at his friends who weren't even able to run anymore. They were lost and hungry but at least they were together.

The boys stopped and looked around for a second. "Let's go hide until sunrise, we'll be fine by then." the tallest said. "No, we're going to starve." said the middle one in an irritated tone. "Guys, what are we going to do then?" the short one asked.

They silently stood there, by each other's side, not realizing an enemy had sneaked up on the middle one. They heard a terrifying sizzling noise and realized it too late.

As the two others jumped away, the middle one got blown up. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, I HAD ALMOST 30 LEVELS!" he shouted as the two other boys were laughing their asses off.

"O my god u are such a noob!" the tall one said.

"I was on 3 hearts dude! Ugh, I hate you guys. At least get my stuff and get to the base, I have the coordinates now."

The two other boys heard a vague voice shouting "Dinner!" through the microphone of the middle guy.

"I have to go", he said "make sure you put my stuff in the chests."

"Or what?" the short one teased.

"Just do it man, I'm leaving BYE!"

The two other boys greeted the third one and spend some time together finding the base.

"Ugh, he literally only had useless stuff on him" the tallest said, "It wouldn't be a big deal if we burn it right?"

"What? That's not a very nice thing to do."

"Haha, George, why are you always so sweet?"

The short guy started turning red behind his screen. Thank god the tall boy couldn't actually see him.

"W- What do you mean?" he asked disoriented, it really caught him off guard. "I mean I wouldn't like it if someone did that to my stuff."

"I would never do it to your stuff, George."

"Why not?"

"Cuz I love you."

George screamed internally. A thousand thoughts went through his head. He was zoned out for a second. All Clay heard was a long silence and felt regret.

"Eeh, I'm sorry I didn't mean that in a weird way or sum."

George clicked back to reality and looked at his screen again. He saw the green character of his friend walking further. He followed quietly, not knowing what to say. He also didn't realize what kind of painful silence he had created.

"Oh, I see the base, it is on the other side of this river." said Clay to break the silence.

George had still not said a single word and the other boy was overloaded with weird feelings. "Oh no, why did I say that? It must have made George so uncomfortable." Clay thought to himself. Now George finally spoke up.

"I think I'm gonna log out. I'll see you later, Dream."

"Oh, okay, see you George."

George turned off his pc and  just sat there silently. He saw his reflection in the black screen. "What am I even hoping for?" he whispered to himself "Of course he didn't mean it like that, he'll never feel the same."

Clay was still playing, with the weird feeling. He stopped for a second and looked around in their base. He then let go of his keyboard and mouse and put his face in his hands. He really didn't mean to make the other guy uncomfortable.

I burn you? You melt me // Dreamnotfound //Where stories live. Discover now