Chapter 17

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TW: This chapter is basically one long sex scene. Sorry I got carried away I guess AHAHSBSNJ

! If it makes u uncomfy feel free to skip it i marked it yk

When they arrived at the party the sky colored flaming red. The boys entered the house. Clay quickly greeted Sam and gave him a pat on the back. He asked if it was okay to use the bedrooms.

"Already?" asked Sam, "You just got here!" Clay laughed nervously, "Eheh, yeah. Not for now, for later-you know, haha."

Sam looked over to George who was hand in hand with guy he was talking to. The brunet wasn't paying attention. He was doing something on his phone.

"Sure.." he said with a smirk on his face.

Clay turned red and quickly walked away pulling George with him. The pair sat down on a couch with Alex, Karl and Nick. George leaned his head on the blonde's shoulder as Clay drank one cup of whatever liquid Alex handed him.

Wilbur arrived, he sat across he feral boys and introduced them to Jack. He also seemed like a cool guy. They all talked for a while.

Eventually the living room got a heck of a lot crowded. People started getting into it. They heard all kinds of noises coming from everywhere. George pressed himself closer to Clay. The blonde stoked the brunet's back and placed his mouth next to his ear and whispered, "Do you want to continue experimenting?"

George turned his head to the taller guy and blushed, "Hell yeah!"

Clay took his boyfriend's hand and guided him towards the stairs. The freaks were dancing and pushing the two constantly which made it a whole obstacle to overcome. The blonde placed one foot on the stairs, he turned around and demanded his boyfriend to go first. George excitedly passed him.

The hall upstairs was filled with drunk people. The aroma created by a mixture of alcohol and parfums hung in the air. George grabbed Clays wrist and guided him into an unoccupied bedroom. The blonde had been waiting for this moment the entire day.

Here starts da scene😏 —————

"Sit down." demanded George as he locked the door.

Clay obeyed, he sat on the side of the bed and took his jacket off. The brunet slowly sat down on his lap and took their shirts off. George let his cold fingers run over the tall guy's chest. He pinched one of Clays nipples.


George giggled, he pushed the blonde down and kissed him on the tip of his nose while unbuckling his belt. Clays hands were gliding over the brunet's back down to his butt where he stopped and squeezed it tight.

"Hmm, Clay!" moaned George as he sat straight to take his pants off. The blonde placed his hands under his head to enjoy the view. The brunet's pants smoothly glided down his legs. Clay helped him take them off completely. "You know what, you go on top!" said George as he looked down at his boyfriend taking his pants off too.

"Okay, okay.. lay down then." said the blonde flirty.

George laid down on his back leaning on his elbows. Clay laid over him, they made out hungrily. Clays tongue glided from the inside of George's mouth to his neck, to his chest, to his bellybutton where he swirled his tongue around a bit. "Ahh, that tickles!"

Clay went down further. He licked it up and down, covering it completely in his saliva. George grabbed the long blond locks in a fist. "C'mon.."

Clay beathed heavily. He put the tip in his mouth and started pleasuring the brunet. "Aah! Oh! Clay!" moaned the shorted guy as he moved his boyfriends head in his preferred speed, which was quite fast.

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