Chapter 16

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The day went by fast. The boys experimented a lot. Clay even had to run to the gas station to quickly buy some lube. George piped Clay, Clay railed George and they even fucked each other sideways. They also tried 69 but that position wasn't successful because of the drastic height difference.

The car windows were still a bit foggy on the way back. George drew a smiley in his window. He saw the familiar houses, they were close to home. Clay pulled over after a solid 5 minutes.

"Alright, Georgie. You're home."

"Thanks, Clay, I love you."

"I love you too, be safe!"

They kissed softly but it turned out into a hungrily make-out session. George finally pulled away. The blonde giggled as he wiped all the saliva from the brunet's face. "Eheh, thanks." he said in a shy voice and got out of the car.

Clay waited until his boyfriend entered the house and drove home. He liked how they got more comfortable with each other like this. He liked experimenting with George, it brought him so much joy.

As the blonde parked the car his phone connected with the Wi-Fi and multiple messages popped up on his lock screen. He read them as he threw the McDonalds leftovers in a container, they were from Sam.

Sam: Hi dude! There's a party tomorrow at one of my friend's house.

It's close to ours

We could go if you want, take ur friends with u

Lemme know if u wanna go

Clay smiled, he already knew the planning for tomorrow. He let Sam know he wanted to go. He messaged his friends but skipped Darryl, he knew he didn't like parties anyway. Nick was interested, he said he'll take Alex and Karl with him. George hadn't answered yet but it'll be fine.

After Clay helped his mom clean up the dinner table he went to his room to play Minecraft. He created a new survival world and simply started speedrunning. He wasn't having any luck, he didn't find a village and the loot from the ruined portal sucked. He gave up after two hours while being lost in the nether. He closed the world and deleted it immediately.

The blonde sighed and laid down on his bed. He scrolled a bit through Instagram and was glad to see no video of him this time. Maybe they did forget about it, he thought. He rolled to his side and continued scrolling for a while until a message from George popped up on the top of his screen. Clay opened it without any hesitation.

Georgie: Eeh, I don't really like parties yk

Clay: All of our friends r gonna be there

          We don't even have to drink we can just have fun with
each other

Georgie: Okaaay but promise we'll stay together the entire

Clay: Sure, boo <3

Georgie: 💕

They continued texting for more than an hour. They couldn't get enough of each other. Clay started feeling tired after a while. He texted his boyfriend goodnight and put his phone on the charger. He brushed his teeth, changed into his pj's and laid down on his bed.

He looked at the clock, it was 1 in the morning. The blonde groaned and tried getting comfortable in the sheets. He dreamed about George. He saw him in his arms. George was the little spoon and he the big one of course. He eventually fell asleep with a smile on his face.


Clay slept in, he was awoken by the loud singing of birds outside his window. He rolled over and faced the clock. "It's already over twelve?!" He jumped out of bed and rushed over to his phone. He snatched it off the table and opened it.

He answered the good morning text from his boyfriend. Alex had also send him a message. He basically offered to bring some extra drugs for Clay. The blonde rejected it. He wasn't really like that. He wanted to have fun in a different way.  That's when he realized he had left the lube from yesterday in his mother's car.


He rushed downstairs, greeted his sister who was watching tv on the couch and ran outside. Luckily the car was still there. He silently walked back, grabbed the car keys and unlocked it.

When he poked his head into the car to seek the lube a foul odor slapped him in the face. He backed up and put his hands around his nose. He glanced back into the house, his family didn't notice it.

He held his breath as he searched the car again. The lube was in the backseat. He opened the other door too and grabbed it. He stood there for a minute with all 4 vehicle doors wide open to let the car 'breathe'.

He hadn't even notice the nasty smell yesterday. Thank god his mom didn't use her car this morning.

He walked back into the house as if nothing happened. He put the lube in a pocket of the jacket he was planning on wearing tonight to the party.

"Hi Drista." he said as he took place beside his sister on the couch. She looked him up and down and continued watching SpongeBob SquarePants. Clay enjoyed watching the show too. He flinched as his phone vibrated in his pocket.

Karl added you to a group


Karl: Ey dudes, let's hang out b4 the party

Alex: Hell yeah man

Clay felt a smile coming up on his face. He was excited to hang out with the group. They seemed fun to be around with. Meanwhile George and Nick had already responded. They decided to meet at a park around 7, the party started at 8. Clay looked forward to it.


"Alright mom, I'm leaving!"

"Have fun, doll."

"I'm going by foot."

His sister looked up from her phone, "No one asked."

Clay rolled his eyes. He checked if he had everything and left. The park was only 10 minutes away from their house. He breathed in the fresh air and felt delighted at the thought of seeing George again.

When he arrived at the park he heard his friends yell his name. That was a bit embarrassing, Clay thought to himself. Alex and Karl were on the swings while Nick was pushing them alternately. "Wee!" shouted Karl once in a while. Alex was just straight up vibing with a cigarette in his mouth.

Clay looked over to George who was sitting at the end of a slide. He kissed him and sat down on a wooden rocking horse that was stuck in the ground with a giant spring. He leaned all the way back and put his long legs in the air.

"Watch out!" yelled George. The dudes on the swings laughed hard. Nick looked surprised, "How the fuck did that thing not break?!"

Clay laughed and swinged aggressively on the horse. "Stop it." said George with the most British accent ever. Eventually the wooden horse gave up and fell to the side. Clay fell with it and landed in the soft material of the playground.

"Clay!" shouted the brunet as he got up to help his boyfriend.

The other boys laughed their asses off while Clay laid on the ground wheezing.

"Get up you dummie." demanded the short guy as he grabbed Clays hands.

"I'm okay! I'm okay!" said the blonde as he kissed his the shorter boy.

They kept talking for a bit until Nick checked his phone. It was basically time to head to the party. The boys were excited. Alex and Nick could get drunk. Karl could babysit them while hanging with the ladies. That was something remarkable about him.

Karl was so nice and sweet, all girls were obsessed with him. Clay got it, Karl was pretty cute. But not as cute as his little brunet. He looked at George, the short guy was focused on the pink sky, not that he was able to tell it was pink.

"Are you excited?" he asked the shorter boy.

"I'm scared, honestly."

"What? Don't be, I'm with you. I'll protect you from the freaks."

George giggled and squeezed Clays hand tight.

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