Chapter 10

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The boys were eating lunch while talking about Friday night. Nick and Alex surely had fun while Darryl spoke of a nightmare. Apparently he had left early, unlike most of the other's.

"Dudes, we should party more often" Karl said. George and Clay were both silent. They just sat next to each other, listening to what the others were saying, with no commentary.

Clay really wanted to tell the brunet about his feelings. But the fact that George already had something for Richard held him back. The short guy on the other hand, used Rich's kiss to make the blonde think he actually didn't have feelings for him. He thought it would be the best thing for their friendship, because he didn't want to ruin it.

George faced down, looking at his empty lunchbox. Suddenly he felt movement next to him and looked up. "Richard? Hi." he said as he slightly backed away.

"Hey, George." said Richard flirtatious.

Clay felt his blood boil. George finally came out to him and then he chooses this stupid Fortnite kid over his literal best friend.

Wasn't it obvious? The blonde couldn't take his eyes off the brunet sometimes. George had caught him so many times staring at him.

Clay acted like he didn't even notice them. He faced his back to George and pretended listening to the other's conversations. Richard was the only thing keeping him from telling George about his feelings.

George's back was pressing against Clays. The blonde tried ignoring it. He couldn't stand hearing the two boys behind him talk and laugh together. He kept trying to focus on other things like Niki's pink eyeshadow or Karl's nails who were alternately black and green.

He then felt one hard push from behind that almost made him bump into Floris who was sitting beside him. He looked over to see what the fuck was going on until he heard his friend call his name. "Clay!" shouted George. The tall guy looked down, the brunet's head was right below his, pressing against his chest. Clay looked up and saw Richard with a ghastly expression on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing?" asked the blonde. Rich ignored him and looked at the brunet, "George, please." he said as he placed his hand on the short guy's shoulder. George sat up straight again and pushed Rich's hand off him. "Not here." he said under his breath. Richard frowned his eyebrows, "Why not?"

"I just-"

"You said you liked it."


"Georgie it's alr-"

"I'm not fucking gay!"

The cafeteria went silent. George covered his mouth with his hands. He looked up at his tall best friend who didn't move a muscle.

"..Who's gay?" people asked from all sides. slowly a circle formed around their table.

"N- no ones gay." tried George explaining, not that anyone heard. Clay avoided any eye contact by looking down. Rich looked at George, George looked at Clay. The people at their table were confusedly looking at each other.

"Who is gay?!" people yelled across the room. George started turning red. He saw Maia at the table next to him looking in his direction. That expression on her face, she knew. Maia stood up and squinted her eyes. Everyone looked at her.

"George.." she said in a loud voice as she started pointing at the brunet. Everyone looked over to the poor guy in front of the girl. "..are you g-"

Clay jumped in between George and Maia's finger, "I am." Maia lowered her arm and tilted her head, "What?"

"I am.. gay." said the blonde shamefaced.

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