Chapter 2

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The bell rang, it was lunch time. "Yes!" shouted Nick and Clay at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed. They threw their stuff in their schoolbag and waited for Darryl and George to finish their notes.

"What a bunch of nerds." joked Nick. "Hahaha, yeah couldn't be me." laughed Clay. After a minute or two the four boys walked into the cafeteria. They sat at a random table and ate their lunch.

"I have to piss." said Nick.

Darryl looked over in disgust "We don't need to know that, muffin head."

Nick looked over to the short boy "George, come with me."

"Ew, why would I go with you, you'll be fine by yourself."

"No Georgie, I need you!" whined Nick.

"Ugh, fine but make it quick."

The two boys got up and went to the bathroom leaving Clay and Darryl at the table. "Pfft, Nick is such a clingy baby sometimes." sighted the nice guy. "Aren't we all sometimes?" said the tall boy in a quirky tone.

His mood changed quickly as he accidentally locked eyes with Schlatter who was sitting at the table behind the nice guy. His arms were crossed and he sat straight up with a deadly look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" asked Darryl.

"Don't look behind you but Johnathan is sitting there."

"Oh, you muffin. John is just a lonely guy who likes to bully people for no reason. I knew him since elementary, he used to steal other kids lunch."

"How do you know that?" asked Clay.

"Well.., he stole my lunch regularly."

Clay looked at him in a rather surprised way.

"It doesn't matter" said the nice guy "I told you to not worry about him!"

"Not worry about who?" the nice guy turned around and saw the rude boy Schlatter standing right behind him slightly leaning forward. Darryl looked back at Clay who was frozen.

The nice guy stayed cool "Oh, hi there, John. Can I help you?"

Schlatter put up a fake laugh "Haha, hi Darryl!" he cleared his throat "I don't like your new friend. He looks like a whiny little bitch."

"Argh what?! Do you mean Clay? He is super nice! And language!"

Schlatter laughed and tried mocking Darryl "LAnGuAgE-" but got cut off by Nick who pushed him away of the table.

"Get the fuck away from my friends dude!" shouted Nick.

"Yeah, leave us alone." said George rather shy while hiding behind Nick.

Schlatter looked around. There was a moment of silence but he then broke it: "Pfft, see you idiots later." and walked off. Darryl looked at Clay again. He saw how the tall boys head was facing down looking at his hands.

"He's gone now Clay you're alright." The tall guy looked up again, his long blond wavy hair was covering most of his face. Darryl saw a glimpse of Clays eyes looking around the cafeteria. Before he could ask the blonde if he was alright Nick sat down while he angerly said, "Ugh why does this man not see that this is the reason he has no friends. I can't stand Schlatter he's so annoying."

Nick looked over to Clay "Don't let him get to you man." The tall guy spoke "Yeah, I won't. Thank you for standing up for me by the way."

"No worries, Clay." said Darryl in a comforting way. " Me and Nick have to go now, I promised to help him with schoolwork. We'll see you guys later."

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