Chapter 18

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The two boys looked each other deep in the eyes.

"A what?"

"A firearm, I'm American I would know."

They both sat there for a solid two seconds without realizing what actually just had occurred.

Another loud bang clattered through their ears and shook them awake. They were aware of their surroundings now, they heard people running and screaming. Clay looked at the door, then back at George. "We have to leave, now!"

The blonde rushed to the door trying to open it. "Clay! I can't fucking run!" The taller male's eyes widened. "Shit!"

"Fuck! What do we do?! Hurry up!" yelled the brunet.

The blonde tried unlocking the door but it was stuck. He shook the door aggressively and punched it, "Fuck! Let us out! Help!"

"Clay what the fuck do we do?!"

George had tears in his eyes. He couldn't even hear himself over the loud music and screaming of the other people. The blonde hugged him tight. As he pulled away to face him and tell him it was going to be ok the door got kicked to the floor. George's face lit up, "Sam!"

Clay turned around with an unbelievable feeling of relief. Sam stood there as if he had seen a ghost, "Guys! Hurry the fuck up! Get out of here!" His voice was barely hearable over the screaming and music that was still playing somehow. "We'll be waiting in a red car outside! Hurry!"

Before the blonde blinked Sam already disappeared in the doorway. Clay didn't think properly. He quickly lifted George over his shoulder and wrapped his right arm around his legs. Thankfully the brunet was light so the taller male had no issues carrying him.

George folded his arms around Clays chest. He already felt dizzy and now even more now he hung upside down. Clay ran down the stairs skipping most of the steps and sprinted through the living room.

The music was still playing, it was so loud. There were still some drunk people stumbling around trying to get out of there. The lights were still flickering in all different kinds of flashy colors.

Another bang echoed from the garden through the house. Another loud wave of screams filled the room. The blonde's ears were silenced at this point. He heard nothing but one loud beep.

Clay felt like throwing up. He saw Sam jumping in the red car directly parked across the house. Blue and red lights flashed over the treetops from far away.

"Cops, shit!" whispered Clay to himself as he almost got hit by another car trying to escape. His hearing started clearing up as he saw Sam's mouth move with a distressed expression on his face.

"What the fuck happened to George?!"

Clay flinched at the question, "I- He- He strained- He strained his ankle!"

"What a shit timing that is! Get in the car!"

The police sirens came through the blonde's mind. He quickly helped George in the car as he looked up into the distance where the blue-red colors and headlights beamed from.

The brunet grabbed Clays arms and pulled him in the vehicle. He fell on George's lap with his legs hanging out of the car.

Another bang echoed through the sky followed by the creaking noise of the car wheels on the asphalt as the driver accelerated impatiently.

The blonde screamed as he almost fell out of the vehicle. The car alarm went off due to the one door that was still wide open while riding.

"Clay!" yelled Sam from the passenger seat. He turned towards the driver, "Slow down dickhead! We don't want to fucking kill him!"

George held tight onto Clays torso. The guy next to the short boy in the backseat grabbed the blonde's upper arms and pulled him in one pull fully inside the vehicle.

George slammed the door shut. The boys got pushed into their car seats as the driver accelerated even more. "Go! Go! Go!" yelled Sam. The driver's hands were secured on the steering wheel not moving a muscle.

They speeded down the road while other people were trying to run away. Streetlights flashed before Clays eyes. He looked around while he laid uncomfortably on George and another guy's lab. He sat up straight in the backseat and looked at the other guy.

"Thanks.., Richard"

"..No problem." he answered as he looked back at the cop cars in the distance. Clay repositioned himself to sit correctly in the middle of the backseat. He studied the car interior, he had been here before.

His eyes opened widely. He grabbed both front seats with both hands and pulled himself forward in between the two other boy's heads. He looked at the driver, "Johnathan?!"

"Hi Clay. I have no time to chat now, trying to escape the cops, you know."

Clay was pulled back by the aggressive turn the driver made the car take to go around the bend. He looked at George who had a frightened expression on his face. He hugged the short guy tight. "It's okay George, we're safe now." He looked over to Sam, "Thanks, man. I don't know what would've happened it you hadn't showed up."

"It's fine, I'm glad you guys are okay."

Clay nodded, then the realization shocked through his body. His other friends, where were they? Were they safe? They all came by foot, what if they couldn't find a ride. Clay pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted the group.


Clay: Guys where are you

           R yall ok

           Answer pls

He stared at his phone for a few seconds that felt like hours. He sighed relieved when he saw Karl typing.

Karl: Yea we ok

          We ran into the forest and r hiding now.

Clay: All of u?

Karl: Yep me, nick, alex and like a whole bunch of other ppl

           R u and george safe too?

Clay: Yes we escaped in a car

Karl: Can u pick us up pls it's cold outside

           Alex n nick r drunk too

Clay looked up, "Eeh, John, is it possible to pick up three more friends."

The driver looked at the blonde through the front mirror, "Sure, two people can sit in the trunk of the car, the third one will have to squeeze with y'all in the backseat. "

The blonde smiled, "Thanks John."

When he looked back at his phone, Karl had already sent him their location. Clay told him to walk about 300 meter north and meet them at a bus stop. He told Schlatter to head that way too. There were still partygoers running around the neighborhood. Clay put his face in his hands, his heart was starting to beat slower again.

"What a night..." he whispered to himself.

I burn you? You melt me // Dreamnotfound //Where stories live. Discover now