Chapter 9

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Clay woke up with a hangover. He groaned as he of out of bed, wondering how he even got home. He checked his phone and to his surprise he got a text from someone special.

George: Ru home safely?

Clay felt a bit better. He smiled while answering the message.

Clay: yea, ty for asking :)

His head hurt like crazy, he must've drank so much last night. He decided to ask Sam what happened last night.

Sam: Idk u were outside most of the time I think

Clay: Didn't George tell u anything?

Sam: No he just said u were drunk asf. I then walked u home

Clay: Oh

          Thnx for bringing me home safely tho

Sam: No worries man

Clay didn't want to face his mom. She would be able to tell he drank a lot last night so he stayed in his room. He looked in the mirror. His eyes were red and his skin was pale.

The blonde still wondered what happened yesterday. He texted his friends, but they didn't know either. George was the only one, he thought. Clay remembered everything vaguely. He remembered seeing George and Maia kiss, they then broke up. He remembered seeing Schlatter and talking to George afterwards. But what were they talking about? What was it again? Maia broke up with George, what came after that?

He didn't want to be a dick and ask George what happened after his breakup. He was clearly upset but cared enough about Clay to ask if he got home safely. He decided to ask George in person.

Clay: Do you maybe wanna hang out tomorrow?

George: Yea sure, I could use some distraction

Clay smiled. He was glad he meant something to the brunet. He rested for most of the day and tried studying for a bit.


"See you later, mom." said Clay as he grabbed his jacket to go out.

"Don't stay out for too long. You already went to that crazy party two days ago."


He closed the door and picked up his bike. He rode off to the park he and George would meet. He looked forward to seeing his friend again. After last night, the tall guy had the feeling their bond was even stronger.

It was quiet in the park. Apart from some people walking their dog, their was basically no one. Clay parked his bike and sat down on a bench waiting for his friend who arrived two minutes later.


"Haha, hi Clay!"

The brunet sat down next to his friend. He looked good. His skin seemed soft and his cheeks were slightly red. The short boy noticed his friend looking at him. "You okay?" he asked. Clay looked away quickly, "Uh, Yeah."

"We should get some ice cream."

"I don't have any money with me." said the blonde.

"It's okay, I'll pay."

"You really don-"


George jumped up excitedly. Clay told him he was going to pay him back. The brunet said it didn't matter. They walked down the street looking for the ice cream shop. The sun shined but it was chilly in the shadows. "Ugh, I should've taken a jacket with me." complained George. The blonde started blushing. He hesitantly offered his friend his jacket, "You can have mine."

"But then you'll be cold."

"I'm wearing a thick sweater, I'll be fine."

The tall boy handed his short friend his jacket. It looked big on him, obviously. It was cute. Clay laughed. George looked at him, "Pfft, what?" he said playfully.

"Don't worry about it."

George looked forward again. "Look, there's the ice cream shop. What flavor do you want?" he asked. Clay concluded, "Vanilla is my favorite, so that one I guess."


George bought his friend and himself some ice cream. He picked chocolate. They talked a bit and enjoyed each other's company on the way back to the park. Clay doubted he would ask but ended up doing it. "So, what actually happened that night?" he asked George. The brunet stayed silent for a second. He then looked over to his tall best friend and said, "Clay, I wanted some distraction. I don't want to think about that night."

"I know, but I just want to know what happened to me."

"I don't know, I didn't spent the most time with you."

"But the time we spent together, what happened then?"

"What do you mean? We just chatted and I then send you home with Sam."

"But you told me something, George. What was it?"

The brunet started turning red. "Y- you really don't remember?"

"No." said Clay impatiently. "Tell me."

George sighed, "Don't tell anyone but I- I basically came out to you."

Clay lit up, "R- really? George I a-"

"And I kissed Richard."


Clay looked at his friend who was facing down. He remembered it again. George kissed Rich and liked it. Even though he was standing right next to the brunet, he felt so far away from him. He put his hand on the short guy's shoulder. "George.."


"What did I tell you that night?"

The brunet kind of stared into Clays eyes. "..It was nothing."

"No, George, tell me. What did I say?"

The short boy looked away, "You were drunk, Clay, it didn't matter."

"George, please, I just want to know what happened."

The brunet turned his back to Clay, "I told you I didn't even want to talk about it. I have to go now, I'll see you on Monday." He walked off angrily.

"George.." said the blonde as he put his arm out trying to reach his friend. He decided to not go after him. His mom texted, it was time to go home for him as well.

George had tears in his eyes on his way home. He repeatedly stopped to wipe them. He didn't want to think about what Clay said. He liked the kiss he got from Richard. He was totally attracted to him. But Clay, he made the brunet feel some kind of way.

George didn't want to believe it, he doesn't want to face a rejection. His friend was drunk, obviously he didn't mean it. George just doesn't want to admit that whatever Clay told him, gave him butterflies.

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