Chapter 7

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TW: violence/drugs/drinking

Clay looked in the mirror. His eyes were red from tiredness. His phone pinged and he turned around.

Sam: I'm outside ur house, u coming?

Clay: yep just a second

Sam lived close to Clay. The blonde's mom didn't want her son to walk alone on the way back, so he had to go with a friend who lived nearby. When he came downstairs he saw his mom talk to Sam. She was making sure he was trustworthy. Of course he was, Sam was one of the nicest guys out there. Clay stepped out of the house and walked towards his mother. "Mom, I'll be fine."

"Okay, sweetie, have fun!"

Clay smiled awkwardly and looked at Sam who laughed.

"You aren't ashamed of me, right?" the blonde's mom asked.

"No mom, obviously not."

He quickly turned to stand next to Sam "We're leaving, bye mom."

"Bye, Clay."

Sam waved the tall guy's mom goodbye "Aww, your mother is so sweet." Clay rolled his eyes "Yeah, she's fine."

"Not excited to go to the party, huh?"

"Not really, what are we even going to do?"

"I don't know, there isn't even a planning. I guess we're all just going to chill and drink until we faint."

Clay laughed nervously "Sounds like fun."

They arrived at the party 12 minutes later. The house was remote from the city. It was quiet around there, except for the house itself, obviously. Sam and Clay already heard the music from a 200 meter distance. They entered the house and saw many strangers. They looked around for a second. "There! yelled Sam over the music "I see Nick and Darryl!" Clay looked over to where Sam pointed at. "Let's go then." They squeezed through the crowd, trying to get closer to the familiar faces.

"Hey, you guys arrived!" yelled Nick. He patted the empty seat next to him while looking at Clay. The tall boy sat down next to his friend while Sam walked a bit further joining Wilbur and Phil. Darryl sat anxiously next to Nick. "Guys, this is terrifying. The people here are literal freaks. I told Nick I didn't want to come early." He looked around, terrified, with his arms crossed and his back arched.

Clay wondered where George was. Well, probably with his girlfriend. He sighed and ignored the hard music for a second. He leaned back but flinched when Nick shoved a shot in his face.

"Here, dude!" The blonde grabbed it hesitantly. He watched how his friend aggressively gulped his. He saw Darryl in the background looking quite disappointed. "Just for your information, I'm not doing that." Nick laughed "Do you want it or not, Clay? Else I'll take it." The tall guy looked at the shot, "Please don't do it, you muffin." he heard his other friend say. He closed his eyes and drank it.

He held it in his mouth for a second, then swallowed it. "Let's go!" yelled Nick. Darryl rolled his eyes. There was so much going on, Clay felt hands on his shoulders. He turned around and saw Karl and Alex. The shortest one jumped over the couch and took place in between Nick and Clay. He grabbed in his jacket "Hey man, check it out!" he said as he threw a pack of white powder on the table.

Clay started feeling uncomfortable when more people gathered around them, more strangers. Karloffered him another drink. The blonde drank it. That's when he started feelingnauseous. He told Darryl he wasn't feeling well.

"Well, muffin, then you should go home." he suggested.

Clay looked over to Sam, who was having lot's of fun. He couldn't ruin the night for him. He also couldn't go home alone, his mom would kill him if she found out.

"I'm going outside." he said to his friend. He stood up and turned around. He saw the predominantly empty yard through the glass door on the other side of the house. He strolled through the crowd. The strangers constantly bumped into him. Darryl was right, these people are freaks. They were screaming and yelling.

A girl bumped into him and spilled wine all over Clay's white t-shirt. "Shit!" yelled Clay. The girl's friend helped her up and they didn't even notice the blonde. Clay got heated "Fuckers." he whispered under his breath.

He put his head up, pushed a few strangers aside and walked briskly. He touched the doorhandle. An unknown sensation overtook him, something told him to look behind him. As he turned around, apart from all the wild strangers dancing, he saw George, kissing Maia. The blonde's heart dropped. He felt shocks going through his body. He grabbed a bottle on the table in front of him and ran outside.

"Maia.., I can't do this.."

"What do you mean, gogy, you have been acting so weird lately."

George looked at his girlfriend with absolutely zero emotion in his eyes. "I'm just tired."

"George, what the- It's my birthday can't you act a little bit more excited?"

"I'm sorry! I've just been here since 5 in the afternoon and it's literally midnight right now."

Maia sighed, you're always tired. Just drink a little bit, come with me.."

She dragged George upstairs. They walked past people who were making out, drinking, smoking,... The short guy was disgusted by them. The couple stopped, Maia rummaged  in a cupboard  and took out a bottle. George didn't recognize it, but he was sure it was an alcoholic drink.

She popped the bottle open and chucked at least a quarter of it down. "Maia!" yelled the brunet. She laughed as she pushed the boy into her room. "Here, have some." she said. The brunet rejected it. Maia started hiccupping "You're clearly drunk." said George. Maia sat down on her bed. "Come here, let's have some fun." The brunet looked terrified. "I- I don't want to do it."

"Ugh, you' re so boring George."

She pulled him by his hand and sat him down next to her.

"Stop it..." said the boy.

The girl let her finger go down from the boy's chin. He pushed her back.

"I said no."

Maia grabbed his neck aggressively. George pushed her back, again, even harder.


"Just shut the fuck up and take your clothes off, George!"

This was the last straw. The boy put his face right in front of the girl's and yelled: "I fucking said no! I don't fucking love you! I never did!"

George was heated. Maia felt lightheaded. She laid down on her bed, with tears in her eyes.

"M- Maia?"

"Go away..."

The boy stood there. Looking at the girl. "It's over.." she said. George took a deep breath, then walked out of the room. Leaving the girl shamelessly behind. He ran through the house. The lights flashed in all different colors he couldn't tell apart.

He pushed the front door open and ran outside. He fell on his knees and busted out in tears. "I'm sorry! I don't know why! I don't know what's wrong with me!" He put his arms over his head and started hyperventilating. Someone grabbed his hands gently and placed them in front of him. George looked over "...Richard?"

"I heard everything."

"Richard, I- I-"

"It's okay, George. Breathe in, breathe out."

George started to catch his breath after a long minute. He sat there, in the wet grass, next to Rich. the short boy looked over to him. "I don't know what happened! I- I just-"

"Shhh.. it's okay."

Richard placed George's head against his chest. The brunet's heart started to beat slower too. He calmed down, he felt safe. Richard lifted Georges chin and kissed him softly. George let it happen.

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