Chapter 8

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TW: violence/drugs/drinking

Clay ran into the yard of Maia's house. He breathed the fresh air. He held the bottle in his left hand and faced it upwards. 'Vodka' he read. It was already opened, a small amount flowed out of the bottle.

The boy felt nothing, he looked up, took a deep breath and drank all that was left. He dropped the empty bottle and fell against a table. There were more random cups with unknown liquids in them. Clay drank a few. He felt like throwing up.

He screamed, no one heard it over the music. His head started spinning, his throat started burning. He looked around, got up and walked towards the garden hose. He turned on the tap and sprayed the water in his face

"Aargh, fuck!" It tasted like iron. He breathed heavily and threw the hose back. He sat on his knees and looked around again.

There was someone watching him. Clay squinted his eyes but couldn't tell who it was. He got up and walked over towards the silhouette who was sitting in a lawn chair.

He stopped about 2 meters away from the person. Clay just stared at him. The silhouette got up and slowly walked towards the tall boy. The lights shining through the windows of the house revealed the guy's face. "Johnathan Schlatter." whispered Clay.

"...You want a kiss, pretty boy?"

The blonde breathed in. He grabbed John by the neck and held his face close to his. Schlatter's breath smelled like shit. Their lips touched but it wasn't a kiss. John started grinning. Clays grip on the other boy's neck loosened. John started laughing, harder and harder.

Clay breathed in again, very deeply and held it. He then, with his other hand, once and hard, punched Schlatter in the face. The guy smacked to the ground instantly. The blonde exhaled and laid down next to the guy he just had almost knocked out. He looked at the stars and closed his eyes.

"George.. why? You don't love her, let her go... Why her and not me? What's wrong with me?"

"You're a freak.." Schlatter regained his consciousness.

Clay got up and left the man behind. He stumbled along the side of the house. He leaned against the wall in the front. "George..?" The brunet sat cross-legged on the grass, looking at the sky. He turned around.

"..Hi, Clay."

"George!" Clay ran up to him and plopped down next to him. The short guy backed up. "Clay, are you okay?"

"Yeah, hahah, I'm fine!"

George looked down sadly. "Clay.., Maia broke up with me."

"Oh, haha, that sucks!"

"Clay, what?!"

"I mean, you didn't love her anyway. It's fine!"

"Yeah but I still feel messed up, dude!"

".. Sorry" apologized the blonde.

"Clay.., can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure Georgie!"

"Promise you won't laugh."

"I promise.."

George turned red "I think that- I know th- I am.. into men."

Clay's eyes opened widely. "George.., you're gay!"


"Me too George! Me too! I love you!"

"Clay! This is not a fucking joke! I'm serious, I fucking kissed Richard and liked it!"

The blonde's smile faded "What.." His friend started crying. "O my god, you're drunk! Ugh you smell so bad!" Clay looked down "But George, I meant it.."

"Shut the fuck up Clay, I'm trying to think! I'm literally not attracted to girls. I mean they're pretty but that's it. It literally warmed me up when I kissed Rich."


"Ugh, I'm calling Sam to walk you home. I'll see you on Monday."

The short guy wiped his tears as he got up.

"George, I-"

"What do you want?!" the brunet asked aggressively.

"Do you love Richard?"

"Honestly.., I don't know."

I burn you? You melt me // Dreamnotfound //Where stories live. Discover now