Chapter 22

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The following days were boring for Clay. He mostly just played Minecraft, alone or with friends. He also downloaded this Tiktok app. He never made a Tiktok, he just regularly scrolled through his for you page. It was actually a fun app, he thought.

His dad had barley spoken to him unlike his mom who often entered his room to 'clean things up'. Clays mom was kind of nosy but it didn't bother him. The only thing that annoyed him was that his mom doesn't allow him to lock the door during the day anymore.

When the blonde was playing Minecraft with a rather big group he felt a strong connection with Quackity. He became more and more interested in his way of having fun.

The blonde asked him if they could hang out some time. Quackity was hilarious, they would have a good time for sure. Nick was going to come as well.

Clay logged off and couldn't wait to sneak out. No way he would ask his parents for permission. They can't even know. It is completely a secret.

Clay was excited to break the rules. He had been such a good kid for too long. It was time to break free and have fun, real fun. He liked the way he lived now, with confidence, not giving a fuck about what his parents would think.


Finally the moon appeared in the sky. It was getting darker and darker outside. The blonde was allowed to lock his door again. He did it without hesitation, even though he knew it hurt his mom. She liked spending time with her son. The son knew that but didn't care.

Clay grabbed a hoodie and checked his phone. He got a message from Nick. He basically told him he already left and was on his way to the skate park.

Clay smiled, he felt the adrenaline run through his body. He liked the feeling of breaking rules. He liked taking risks, because if his parents would find out, he wouldn't be allowed to leave he house ever again.

He sneaked out through the window. It was easy, actually. He calmly walked towards the park while listening to music. Clay liked the night, it was so calm. It was restful and pretty. The moon and the stars, gosh, the blonde loved looking at the night sky.


He finally arrived at the park. "Yo, Clay! Sit down, man!" shouted Alex. There were quite some people at the skate park. Many guys used their male privileges to enjoy skating at night.

Clay sat down next to Nick. The middle guy gave the tallest a hard pat on the back, "Glad you're here, man." he said after he took a sip of his Red Bull.

Clay smiled, then looked at Alex. The dark haired guy was smoking a cigarette. "Can I have one too?" Nick's eyes widened, "What, since when do you smoke?"

Clay looked at him again, "Since tonight, I want to try it."

He didn't even have to ask Alex twice. The dark haired male already handed him one plus a lighter. The blonde inhaled it and surprisingly handled it quite well.

"Woo! Pop off!" shouted Alex.

Nick rolled his eyes and drunk the last bit of his beer. He then stood up, "Luke? Is that you, man?" Clay looked over at another blonde guy.

"Haha, yeah man! How are you?" he said as he put his hands out to hug the middle guy.

Clay looked at Alex, he sat there with a smile on his face and put his hand out to fist-bump the other blonde. "This is Luke, Clay." introduced Nick.

The tall guy looked at him, "Hey dude, nice to meet you."

The other blonde smiled and gave him multiple pets on the shoulder, "So you're Clay, huh? I've heard a lot about you." Luke looked a mix of a bad boy and a rich white spoiled kid. He seemed nice, thought.

The four boys got along well. They spent maybe half an hour together and Clay was enjoying every second of it.

Luke got a message, the boys looked at him reading it in silence for a second. The shorter blonde looked at them and said, "Yo, there's a party not that far away from here. I can drive us, the night is still young."

The four boys looked at each other. "Well, let's go then!" yelled the short dark haired male.

Luke reached into his pocket and took out his car key. He dangled them back and forth, "Let's go!"

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