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He was warm, he was fiery, he was handsome. He had long, golden locks and green eyes.  He was loved. He was the sun.

He was cold, he was mesmerizing, he was fragile. He had brown hair and brown eyes that glittered like the stars in the night. He loved. He was the moon.

The sun was moonless.

The moon was unilluminated, sunless.

The sun craved loving.

The moon craved being loved.

The sun and moon needed each other to create balance in their galaxy.

The moon belonged with Earth, but didn't love Earth. Deep down, the moon loved the sun.

The sun was way bigger than the moon. The sun was outstanding and lively.

The moon was way smaller than the sun. The moon was average and shy.

The sun spoke to the moon one day and said, "Moon, U are far from average. U are unique."

The moon loved the sun since that day. The sun brightened him. The sun warmed him.

The moon spoke to the sun one day and said, "Sun, I love U."

And the sun said, "Moon, I love U too."


I burn you? You melt me // Dreamnotfound //Where stories live. Discover now