Chapter 6

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It was weekend, Clay and the boys were playing Minecraft. Tommy, Wilbur and Alex were there too. They were funny guys. The blonde laughed and wheezed often. They were killing each other and role playing.

George was very present too, realized Dream. He noticed George hadn't said a word about Maia. After some time they all logged out to eat lunch. Clay 'helped' his mom and sister make pancakes.

"No, stop! You are going to ruin my pancake, Clay!" yelled Drista.

"Stop fighting." demanded their mother. The tall guy was laughing while ruining his sister's pancake by disorganizing the pieces of fruit on it.

"Ugh, I took so much time to place them all like that, I hate you." said the girl. Clay continued laughing and wheezing. their mom rolled her eyes. Drista got up. "I'm going to stab you, come here."

"What?! No! put the fork down! Put it down!" screamed the guy horrified.

They ran around the kitchen yelling. Drista chasing her brother with a fork and Clay running away terrified. A few minutes later the peace had returned. They were eating while talking about school. Drista showed her mom her great test. "An 80%?! Well done sweetie." she said as she hugged her daughter tight. Clay wished she would tell him that too. He got up, washed the dishes and went to his room to study.


It was Monday again, Clay felt cool. He hardly thought about that moment with John. This time his friends were standing in a circle in the yard. He stood behind them awkwardly for a second until Niki noticed and told the boys to expand the circle. The blonde got pulled back by a short brunet as he was trying to fit in the circle. "George?"

"Nick and Darryl are sitting in the yard, come sit with us." he said


Clay looked back at the circle and realized there were few friends of his anyways. Nick, Darryl and George were his best friends regardless. The short and tall guy saw their friends at the table. "What's up, boys!" greeted Nick. They sat down and started talking. Nick begged Darryl to say a curse word.

"Come on just say 'fuck' or 'bitch'."

"Language! I'm not saying that."

George turned to Clay and started talking while the two other boys were arguing in the background. His phone screen lit up. It was from Maia. Clay didn't read it, he quickly looked away pretending he never even saw it. George read the message on his lock screen. He ignored it and continued talking to the blonde. Clay tilted his head "You're not going to answer that?"

"Eeh, what?"

"The message from you girlfriend." The tall boy then realized that sounded very nosy.

George sighed "It's just- I-" He looked behind him, then he turned back. "I don't know."

"Oh, it's okay. I 'm not supposed to be in your business anyway. "

"No, no It's fine, you're my best friend. I just-"

Clay couldn't follow "What's wrong George?"

The brunet sighed again and grabbed his tall friend's wrist. Clay turned red. He looked back at Nick and Darryl who didn't even notice George was dragging him behind the bushes. When the short boy finally stopped, he let his friend go. Clay just stood there looking at George who faced away from him. "What's wrong?" The short guy finally faced him again "I don't know but since last week I just.. don't feel anything anymore."


"I just woke up one day, read her good morning message and felt nothing. My feelings are.. gone."

"They can't just be gone, George. What's going on, does Richard has to do any with it."

George looked at the tall boy in a frightened way "Eh, no, Richard has nothing to do with it."

That seemed a bit odd, Clay squinted his eyes.

The short guy continued "I think that.. I may have never had actual feelings for Maia.."

The blonde's jaw dropped "George, WHAT?! You said you were crushing on her since middle school!"

The short boy looked down "Yeah that's what I thought but.. I mean.. what are feelings even? "

Clay stood there flabbergasted. "Well.. what do you want me to say? If you don't love her you should.. break up."

George looked up in shock "Clay, her birthday party is this Friday! I can't break up with her now!"

He started getting heated. The blonde could tell his friend was upset but what could he do? He stepped forward to hug him but as he reached his arms out, Nick popped up from behind the bushes. Clay withdrew his arms immediately. "What are the boys up to?" asked Nick in a playful way. George didn't move, he just stood there with his back toward Nick so he wouldn't be able to tell he was upset. "It's nothing." said Clay. The bell rang and they departed for their class.


George was quiet that entire week. His friends didn't even notice, neither did Maia. Clay was the only one who knew about the brunet's feelings. He didn't know what to expect on Maia's birthday. What would he do if he was George, he thought. Honestly, he had no idea.

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