Chapter 3

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"Clay! Get up you have to go to school! Drista, go wake up your brother, please."

"Ugh, mom it's not my fault he's too lazy to get up."

"Go wake up your brother!"

"Fine, fine."

Drista walked up the stairs, to her older brother's room.

*knock knock*

"Claaaay, wake uuup."

The guy groaned "Ugh, yeah i'm getting up."

"Hurry, mom is in a bad mood, thanks to you!"

He sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. Despite the fact he had made many decent friends at his new high school he still missed George. He saw him every day, they were classmates, but it wasn't the same.

That feeling George gave him, he now gives to Maia. Clay got up and got dressed. He entered the kitchen where his mom and sister were eating breakfast. He never saw his dad in the morning. He always had to leave early for work.

"So, Clay.., Do you have any tests today" asked his mom.

"Shit", thought the tall guy to himself. He felt so miserable the last couple days, he really didn't focus on his schoolwork. He chose to simply just lie and said no. His mom frowned her eyebrows, then continued reading stuff on Facebook.

Clay was about to text George, he then realized he wouldn't respond anyway. He's probably to busy with his girlfriend. Well, Nick was probably also not able to help him, so he texted Darryl.

Clay: Omg I totally forgot we had a test today can u pls help me

Darryl: Ru serious?? O well I don't have much of a choice do I

Clay: 😊

Darryl: fine you muffin, I'll help you. Make sure ur at school early

Clay: alright thanks man!

"Yes!" shouted Clay under his breath. He grabbed a muesli bar out of a kitchen cabinet and ran upstairs to quickly brush his teeth.

When he arrived at school he saw the friend group sitting at the same table again. He sat down next to Darryl, hoping he'll at least pass the test.

He looked at George who was sitting diagonally across him. He was smiling at his phone, probably texting Maia again. "So Clay.." started Darryl "These are my notes, first start reading them so you understand the context."


The test went well. Clay is sure he passed it. "Thanks Darryl, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you." "Aww, it's alright." said the nice guy softly as they walked outside.

"Guys, we should play Minecraft tonight." proposed Nick. "Sounds fun!" yelled the tall guy excited. He looked over to George who said "Oh yeah, eeh sure.."


Clay just got out of the shower and already got a message.


Clay: ahah omw

He quickly put his pajama on and sat behind his pc. 'World loading...' He then got invited into a discord call.


"I said I can hear you, Bad!"

"I wasn't talking to you, Sapnap!"

Bad? Sapnap?... 'Dream joined the game'

"Dream... That's a cool name!" said Bad

"Ahah thanks! I like you guys' too."

"Aww, thank u Dreamyy." said Sapnap.

The green man looked around in the world. "Where's George, he said he would play too right?"

"Aren't we good enough?" grumbled Sapnap.

"Nono, of course you guys are enough. It's fine, I just haven't really talked to George that much lately."

Bad spoke "Well, girlfriends take a lot of time I guess."

They all laughed and started roaming around in the world. They were having fun. About half an hour  later George joins the game and discord call.

"Well look who finally showed up."

"Oh, hey George." said Bad.

"Georgeee! You're here" cheered Dream.

George grinned "Guys, guess what."

"What?" said Sapnap.

"No, you have to guess, dummy!"

"What is it? Just tell us you muffin."

Dream just listened to their convo in silence.

George started explaining "So, it's Maia's birthday in two weeks and all of us are invited!"

"What?! We barely know her George." said Bad.

"Then get to know her." reded George.

Sapnap interfered "Guys, come on. It'll be fun."

"Yeah right!" shouted George. "..Right? Clay..?"

Dream shook awake, his favorite short boy was finally talking to him. "Yeah, it's going to be fun!"


The green man heard the happiness in his friends voice. That instantly made him happy too. The boys were all having fun, but sadly everything comes to an end. It was already past midnight.

"Alright, see you guys on Monday!"

"Bye guys!"


Clay turned off his computer. He let himself fall down on the bed and growled. There was just something about the brunet. Something he liked so much. It made him both happy and sad seeing him with someone else.

He rolled over and faced the ceiling. He stared at the white color and dreamed away. He would arrive at school, George would be there, only George. He would sit next to him and they would talk.

The blonde just felt so save around the brunet. He trusted him, he cared. And deep down, somewhere inside him, he knew George cared too.

In that way.

I burn you? You melt me // Dreamnotfound //Where stories live. Discover now