Chapter 1

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"Uh, hey, my name is Clay. I think we're classmates."

"Oh, hi Clay. I'm Darryl."

"Do you want to be friends? I don't know anyone here yet."

"Yeah, sure! I'll introduce you to my friend group, come with me."

The new guy followed the nice guy. Clay hated high school, his parents made it worse by moving to a different city, very far away from home. He had to leave all his friends behind, luckily he met Darryl. He seemed like a nice guy.

Clay was nervous, what if his friend group doesn't like him? It isn't easy to fit in. Will he ever feel the same way his old friends made him feel. He hoped the friend group was as nice as Darryl seemed. He hoped it wouldn't be awkward.

His thoughts got interrupted as he bumped into a guy his age. "Watch where you walk, stupid!". The guy looked Clay up and down while the tall guy just stood there flabbergasted.

He stared at the guy. He had a round face, brown hair and brown eyes.

"The fuck you looking at?!"

That's when the tall boy realized he totally messed up and made it even more weird. Luckily Darryl stepped in, "Omygod leave him alone!" the friendly guy grabbed Clays arm and pulled him with him towards the table his friends were sitting at.

"Ugh, don't worry about Johnathan Schlatter, he's just a bully."

"Oh..." Clay didn't know what to say. So he chose to just say nothing.

They finally took place at the table. "Guys! This is Clay, he is new here." The entire group turned towards the tall guy and Clay felt their looks roll over him.

"Eeh.. Hi.. I'm Clay." he said in a shaky voice. The friend group smiled and welcomed him. Clay felt the awful feelings go down the drain.

He sat down, next to a girl. She looked at him "Hi Clay, I'm Niki!" Clay lit up, that seemed so genuine. "Hi Niki! It's nice to meet you."

They started talking and everything went well. She introduced him to the others: Tommy, Nick, Wilbur, Alex, George, Toby, Sam,... So many friends. Clay smiled the entire time, he felt hope.

"So, Clay boi, what do you do in your free time, huh?" asked Tommy , the youngest of the group, also named 'The child'.

"Uuh, I play lots of Minecraft actually." responded Clay.

The entire table gasped. The tall guy got nervous for a second until the child screamed. "SO DO WE!"

Clay brightened up hearing those words. He coudn't believe he would ever find someone in real life who also played the game and liked it as much as he did. Let alone a whole group. He explained how he likes to do speedruns the most and they were all listening. He felt welcome, he felt loved.

He was relieved when he found out two other guys were also classmates: Nick and George. When the bell rang they walked to their first class, together.

"So Clay, are you feeling better?" asked Derryl.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Oh, you just seemed a bit nervous this morning."

"Oh yeah, I'm feeling great. Thanks to you guys!"

"Haha, nice dude, can't wait to get to know you better" said Nick.

"Yeah, me too, you seem cool." said George.

Clay smiled, he saw George in the corner of his eye walking next to him. He was pretty. He was also short, but that's cute.

"Alright, this is our classroom, Clay, and our first class is mathematics." informed Darryl. "Math's? Ugh I hate math's." complained Nick. "O my gosh same." said the tall guy as he took place in the last row next to Nick's seat.

"Guys, are you kidding me, there's no other seat left in the last row. Can't we just all sit together in the second last row?" asked George.

"Ahahah, sorry George, but you're too slow." joked Nick as he put up an L to his forehead.

The short guy rolled his eyes and sat down in the seat in front of Clay. He opened his bag and took his notebook and pencil case out of it. They were matching. Both the notebook and pencil case were blue with an image of a red mushroom.

George placed them calmly on his desk, then he turned around to face Clay. The tall boy quickly pretended he wasn't just staring at the guy in front of him and grabbed his school supplies as well.

"Ah! I love your notebook!" shouted George cutely.

"Oh, ahah, thanks." said Clay with a huge smile on his face.

George grabbed Clays book and observed it. The tall boy thought it was so cute. He followed George's finger that overlined the smiley face on the front.

"It's just one big smiley but I actually like it." said George as he handed the notebook back.

"Thanks, I like yours too."

George smiled as he flips through his own book. "I like mushrooms, I think their cute."

'I think you're cute too', thought Clay to himself.

George looked over and the tall guy quickly nodded. "Mhm, mushrooms are pretty cute." He then changed his focus to the teacher that just walked into the classroom.

"Good morning everyone!"

Clay sighed and put his head on his desk. This was going to be a long day. At least he had a great seat. Last row, next to Nick, a new friend, and behind George. He could constantly stare at his fluffy brown hair and cute tiny posture without him knowing.

The tall guy just hoped his classmates wouldn't notice it either.

Clay changed schools in the middle of a schoolyear btw

(Let's say a bit before Easter)

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