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"You and I are a team. There is nothing more important than our friendship."

-Mike Wazowski, Monsters INC.


The skies seemed darker this morning, or maybe it was the lurking evil gradually coming out of its corner. Either way, my alarm clock read the same time it read whenever I woke up; four minutes past five.

I had a bad habit of waking up before my alarm, and since I had nothing to do, I lay in bed, tossing and turning, quite literally if I may add.

My day was about to start and I was already tired. I turned to check the red figures on my clock. It was thirty minutes to six. I didn't even see the need to set my alarm anymore since I woke up before it every, single, day.

The tossing and turning didn't make the time go any faster, if anything, it seemed to stop time. I let out a huge sigh, patiently waiting for the alarm to go off before I start my day and scroll through my phone, answering the very few messages I had, emphasis on a few.

My alarm went off, signaling to me that it was time to get out of bed and socialize with the human race once again. I sighed a deep sigh, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and just staring.

I looked around my small room, a few clothes on the floor, a desk and chair in a corner with my notes all over the place, and my huge bookshelf with books I had read at least five times each. I wanted new ones but new books cost money, money I couldn't spare at the moment.

The pale blue paint on my walls had marks all over it, each mark held a different memory and I held all those memories in my mind. Memories I wish I could just forget but nature blessed me with this curse; to carry every single memory I make with me forever. It might seem like a cool gift but once you realize you spend so much time in your head, you'll wish certain things weren't in it.

I got off my bed and headed for the shower. Pulling my purple briefs and dumping them by the bathroom door, I made a mental note to pick them up later; something I know I'll never do because Mom always did it. It's not like I purposely don't do it, I just seem to forget, and Mom's kind enough to help me out.

Shower time was a different kind of hell. I was trying to get my hair to look presentable but I was failing, failing woefully. Then again, it never worked so it is not like I don't try hard enough.

Fashion wasn't my best feature but I did try. I picked my baggy blue jeans with an equally baggy white tee shirt and black beanie to match my black high tops. I took a glance at the mirror and I didn't look homeless so that meant I was good to go, now it was time for breakfast.

The house didn't smell of pancakes and sausage meaning Mom didn't come home from her night shift, she must have taken the morning shift too. I sat on a kitchen stool, my stomach grumbling and my soul weeping. Food was important to me but I couldn't cook jack. I had to make do with whatever form of food I found, which wasn't much. There was cereal in the cabinets.

"Well, cereal it is." I said to myself, my voice echoing through the empty house.

Three bowls of cereal later, Ace, texted me he was on his way to pick me up for school. Today was the start of a new term, and a new and good session because, after this session, it would be senior year, then college. I didn't have everything sorted out for college but I looked forward to it, not the human interaction part though. Ace, Ace is my best friend and we've been best friends since kindergarten.

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