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A ride to the mall and Benson Scott was red as a cherry. Either he had never been offered a ride or there was something about this tutor boy that I was missing.

"Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in!" Heather screamed as I sashayed into the mall with Benson.

Heather enjoyed the attention, it was no surprise she was screaming in the mall. I sighed in frustration as we walked into the McDonald's stall and took our seats in the booth with Heather and Jane. Heather gave Jane a little shove under the table, because Jane, being Jane was glued to her screen.

"I'm Jane, nice to meet ya." Jane said, her face glued to her phone as always.

"Jane, socializing involves looking at people." Heather slapped Jane on the back, getting her to drop her phone. Jane sighed and raised her head from the phone to smile at Benson.

"Hey, I'm Benson. Nice to meet you both." Benson shook hands with Heather and Jane. Heather and Jane never shook hands with anyone; not even me!

I gave them a witchy stare but they both ignored me and focused on Benson. I felt betrayed by those two humans.

"Never trust humans, they would disappoint." I mumbled under my breath, referring to Heather and Jane but my two best friends still ignored the life out of me. This was going to be a very dramatic afternoon.

"So, let's just get to the main point. Are you the new Mr. Lauraine!" Heather squealed, making Benson blush even more. She needed to stop or Benson might just have to dye the rest of his skin red.

"No Heather, he's not her boyfriend. Not yet though!" Jane rolled her eyes with excitement. A minute ago, Jane had seemed the least interested in anything going on around her, and now, she couldn't stop smiling about Benson being my boyfriend. I mentally face-palmed. I knew my friends were dumb but the fact that they could be this dumb was beyond me.

"He's just here to have lunch, please don't make it any more awkward than it already is. It's frustrating dealing with you both."

Jane and Heather had a weird obsession with every boy that wasn't my boyfriend. The ones I did pick to be my boyfriend; never did get along with them. Heather took Benson's hand, leaving with the blushing nerd to the counter to get their food and Jane followed, leaving me, their friend behind. I didn't complain, it was kind of normal for me anyway. I just followed them till they found a space in the queue.

Jane was back to her screen in a matter of seconds and Benson had already whipped out a book to read, nothing out of the ordinary there, and Heather, well, Heather was anchoring the small talk between the three of them.

"I think your friends are nice people." Benson shrugged, raising his eyes from his book.

"At least someone appreciates us. Thank you, Benson, Lauraine here thinks we're just pushovers." Heather feigned hurt.

"I think you are dope, Lauraine doesn't have good taste." Benson's sarcasm couldn't be less obvious. He had only known me for a day and he was judging me, how convenient.

I didn't think it was funny but obviously, Jane and Heather thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard. I'm beginning to wonder whose side they were actually on. Talk about a stab in the back, my own friends sided with the nerd boy and left me to fend for myself.

"Yes, very funny guys." I rolled my eyes at them.

"What do you want to get Benson?" Heather squealed in excitement. It was obvious that squeal wasn't for Benson but for the people standing in the line with us. The more attention Heather got from people, the happier she was.

"A burger and some fries would be nice." Benson smiled, he must think Heather and Jane were the funniest people alive.

"Who eats food without a drink!" Heather gasped. She's always acting a bit extra. Well, she got what she wanted cause everyone in the line stared at us. Typical Heather and her attention-seeking tactics.

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